Considered to be one of the longest-running Canadian shows in history, Heartland becomes the most binge-worthy show owing to its mass appeal. Its latest season aired on CBC on October 2nd, 2022. For the unversed, Heartland is a Canadian family comedy-drama inspired by a book series by Lauren Brooke. It is modeled around the lives of Bartlett-Fleming, Amy Fleming, and her older sister Louise ‘Lou’ Fleming on their Alberta-based family ranch, which is called the ‘Heartland’. They live with their widowed grandfather Jack Bartlett, their father, Tim Fleming, and Ty Borden, a hired farmhand.
Created by Murray Shostak and produced by Heather Conkie, Michael Weinberg, Tom Cox, and Jordy Randall, for the past fifteen years, the show continues to reign in the hearts of the people.
If you haven’t watched it yet, check out the trailer below:
Season 15 is all about Amy mustering up her mental strength to support her daughter after Ty’s demise and be there for her. The trailer depicts that she will come back with full force and fulfil all her responsibilities with a strong heart as a horse whisperer and as a mother.
According to the blog on the CBC website, in Heartland Season 15, the characters ‘will put what they learned into practice’. It focuses on Amy tying up loose ends and looking forward to the future. Her future includes ‘raising her daughter, working with the horses who continue to heal her, and branching out into a new phase of her life and profession.’
Not only does the season focus on Amy’s recovery but also on the other characters, such as Jack, Lisa, Lou, and Tim, who also decide to move ahead in life and create new dreams. In the midst of this, the family ties strengthen and support each other as always. Additionally, the introduction of Drew Davis and Baye McPherson to the cast has made the series even more fascinating.
However, the fans of the show are preoccupied with one of the most obvious questions right now. When will Netflix US stream Heartland Season 15, especially when now even the sixteenth season has begun airing?
When will Netflix US stream Heartland Season 15?
At the time of writing, Netflix has not officially announced the available streaming date of Heartland season 15 in the United States. Until season 12, Netflix U.S. normally released new seasons of Heartland during the summer and it generally kept a distance of two seasons from, the original season that aired on CBC. Be that as it may, it was not the same in 2021.
The streaming giant made both seasons 12 and 13 of Heartland available for streaming on February 1, which was subsequently followed by season 14 on April 1, 2022. Initially, Bustle had reported, “UPtv had a fixed-time exclusive distribution arrangement for past seasons of Heartland that reportedly ended in March 2022, so it’s possible that Season 15 could arrive as early as Summer 2022.”
It’s been a year since the official streamer is running on a drought of the latest seasons of Heartland. However, as per recent reports, Heartland season 15 is expected to be available for streaming on Netflix US in March 2023. Be that as it may, Netflix has not released any official word as of yet.
When will Heartland Season 16 arrive on Netflix?
Heartland was renewed for a 16th season on June 1 by CBC. In an interesting turn of events, the series has made it to the top three for the 2022 Canadian Screen Awards’ Cogeco Audience Choice Award.
Not only that, but according to the sources, the latest season constitutes 15 hour-long episodes which is certainly an addition to the 10 episodes from seasons 13-15. Ever since the demise of Ty, the show has tried hard to be on the top of the viewers’ list. And they are apparently winning!
However, it will take some time for Heartland Season 16 to arrive on Netflix after its release on CBC because that’s how the format is. So, the wait for watching Season 16 on Netflix might be a long one.
For more Netflix release date updates on Heartland seasons 15 and 16, stay tuned to Web News Observer!