Lies and Deceit, which has recently been released on Netflix has already created a buzz among the viewers. The series which was originally titled Mentiras in Spanish, based on a British thriller series called Liar, is a drama thriller that is directed by Curro Novellas. All thanks to the way anguish and misery have been shown in the series, which kept the viewers hooked and made them fall in love with the series, already, and are wondering whether we will have Lies and Deceit Season 2.
If you haven’t watched it yet and are wondering what the whole buzz is about, Lies and Deceit is the story of a rape case and it manages to inspire self-reflection among the audience through realistic storytelling. This thriller series was released under the production company of Atresmedia Studios.
Now, if you are wondering whether we will get to see Lies and Deceit Season 2, here is everything we know so far.
Is Lies and Deceit Season 2 happening?
Season 1 of Lies and Deceit was released on Netflix on March 4, 2022.
Given the fact that Lies and Deceit was released on Netflix 2 years after its original release, the chances of having Lies and Deceit Season 2 are extremely less. It’s very unlikely that we will get to see another season; however, no one knows what goes in the minds of the makers. While it’s too early to say anything, who knows if Netflix takes it up for another season. So, until an official announcement comes in, the fact is there might not be a Season 2 but if we take into account the audience reaction, the future looks bright and it might get renewed.
Lies and Deceit Season 2 Release Date
As aforementioned, as of now neither Netflix nor the makers have given green light to Lies and Deceit Season 2. That simply means we don’t have a release date. However, in case the thriller gets renewed by the summer of 2022, Lies and Deceit Season 2 should be available on Netflix sometime in the second quarter of 2024.
The first season was streamed on Atresplayer Premium in Spain from April 19, 2020, to May 24, 2020, ahead of its appearance on the streamer. It was later sold to Netflix for a greater reach.
Lies and Deceit Cast
The series has a long list of cast and here are a few of them.
Ángela Cremonte plays Laura Munar.
Javier Ray plays Xavier Vera, the protagonist.
Manuela Velasco as Cata, Laura’s sister.
Lucas is played by Óscar Ortuño.
Paco Tous as Silva.
Lies and Deceit Season 1 Recap
*Spoilers Ahead*
The plot revolves around a capable, independent smart woman who, broken by her 15-year-long relationship which has freshly ended, manages to accept a dater offer by a reputed surgeon named Xavier Vera. The date goes pretty well but the twists happen when Laura wakes up the next morning and she is unable to remember last night’s. Some blurred memories from the last night made Laura recall the events after which she discovers that she was drugged and raped. With this realization, she takes the help of the police to file a complaint against Xavier under rape and drugging accusation but all of these allegations were denied by Xavier.
She even posted her story on social media and with no progress from the police, she conducted her own investigation and that way she found a liquid vial under his bed. She even investigated his past life and the suicide of Xavier’s ex-wife.
Laura gave in and confronted him and tied him up by using a plan and she was free from him until he showed up after 3 months and she decided to expose him again. She gets an unknown text saying “collect your thing”, she reaches the location and finds a bag of 17 memory cards and recordings showing the rapes including her own. Around the end of the season, for 3 weeks there hasn’t been any whereabouts of Xavier and the suspense ends but starts when his dead body is found. However, in the end, Laura was seen laughing which was after a very long time, specifically after the night of her assault.
Who was the text from? What exactly was the location? Who killed Xavier Vera? What about the other rape victims? How was he killed? Was justice served to all the girls he raped? All these questions and more are expected to be answered in Lies and Deceit Season 2 if the season at all gets renewed.