Initially premiered on Netflix in 2017, Mindhunter has risen to be one of the most enthralling and captivating crime drama series, that perches the viewers on the edge of their seats. The show follows two FBI agents Holden Ford (played by Jonathan Groff) and Bill Tench (played by Holt McCallany) as they investigate the most notorious serial killers in history and analyze their psyches.
The first two seasons of the show have earned exponential critical acclaim and have observed an increasing graph of the fanbase. Despite such popularity and success, the future of the show is tottering on a cliff of uncertainty. In 2020, the creator of the show, David Fincher put the series on hold owing to his busy schedule. However, he did promise that he would revisit the series in the future.
That being said, the fans of the show are wondering whether there will be a third season of Mindhunter. Will Fincher really revisit this popular crime drama series?
Continue to read more about it below.
Has Netflix renewed Mindhunter for a third season?
At the time of writing this article, Netflix has not renewed the show for a third season. And we hate to break the unfortunate news to you –taking a few deep breaths—Mindhunter season 3 might not be getting season 3 after all. Even though the show has garnered so much critical acclaim and a dedicated fanbase, the show might not return for a third season.
In February 2023, David Fincher spoke to the French outlet Le Journal du Dimanche, wherein he was directly asked by the interviewer regarding the possibility of a third season. He said(via Screen Rant), “I’m very proud of the first two seasons, but it’s a particularly expensive series and, in the eyes of Netflix, we haven’t attracted a large enough audience to justify such an investment. I don’t blame them, they took risks to launch the series.”
What are the latest updates about Mindhunter Season 3?
Although David Fincher confirmed that the fans of the show might not get Mindhunter season 3, the onslaught of rumors about the arrival of the third season never stops. This is partially true because of the exponential fan base of the first two smash-hit seasons. In October 2020, Fincher confirmed that Netflix would not renew Mindhunter for a third season. However, according to Vulture, we might get a third season “maybe in five years.”
Fans’ hopes were spiked again in 2021 when Small Screen published a report mentioning that Fincher was in talks with the official streaming giant about a third season. It reported, “It’s still very early days, but Fincher sounds more upbeat about the project.” But Fincher’s interview in February 2023 dashed all hopes and the fans are back at rock bottom for getting a new season of Mindhunter.
Although we might not be getting a third season, we can still find solace in the fact that we have too very successful and riveting seasons that we can always go back to when we are reminded of Mindhunter. So, for now, while we are hoping and praying for a new season, let’s rewatch the first two seasons and know more about the characters and love them purely.