The Voice is a reality show that premiered on NBC and recently on Peacock. The Voice includes Blind Auditions, Battle Rounds, Knockouts, and Playoffs along with live performances, and the coaches have the option to Block, Steal and Save contestants of other coaches. In the beginning, participants are selected via blind auditions where they are required to sing a song of their choice and that has to captivate the coaches for them to press the buzzer and turn around to see the singer.
If more than one coach turns, the singer can take a choice of who they want as their mentor for the entire season. If all four coaches turn, then the singer gets Golden Buzzer. If no one presses the buzzer, the participant gets eliminated from the show.
The Voice season 24: When will it premiere?
There has been no official announcement regarding an official date of release, but it is speculated to air by fall 2023. The Voice season 24 will premiere from 8-10 p.m. ET/PT on Mondays and at 9 p.m. ET/PT on Tuesdays.
The Voice season 24: Who are the coaches?
- John Legend: We have seen John Legend mentoring The Voice for eight seasons and among those seasons, he has got one win.
- Gwen Stefani: We have seen Gwen Stefani as a coach for seven seasons now, with one win in total.
- Nial Horan: We know Nial Horan formerly for One Direction, but he’s the freshman coach who is ready to make his return in the new season of The Voice.
- Reba McEntire: The Voice season 24 will act as her debut season but we have seen her previously as a mega mentor on The Voice season 23. She’s a powerful country singer and we are excited to have her as the new coach.
The Voice season 24: Who is leaving?
Till The Voice season 23, we have witnessed Blake Shelton’s powerful coaching, but the new season has to see him off. Blake Shelton announced that he will quit as a coach on season 24 and he will be replaced by Reba McEntire, another famous Country singer. Reba McEntire says that it’s not easy to fill Blake Shelton’s cowboy boots, but she’ll make sure to make it worth it.
The Voice season 24: Where can we watch?
The Voice season 24 will premiere on NBC and on Peacock by the fall of 2023.
Frequently asked questions about The Voice season 24:
How many years has The Voice been on air?
The Voice first premiered on NBC on April 26, 2011, and ever since that there have been 23 seasons, and the new addition of season 24 will be there by the fall of 2023. So it’s safe to say that The Voice has been on air for more than a decade.
Who will be the Mega Mentor for The Voice season 24?
There has been no official announcement regarding the mega mentor for the voice season 24 but stay tuned to know more updates.
Which coach has the most wins in The Voice?
Blake Shelton, the former coach, has nine wins in total while coaching for 23 seasons. Following him, there’s Kelly Clarkson with a total of four wins, and then Adam Levine with three wins.
Which coach has zero wins in The Voice?
Miley Cyrus, Nick Jonas, Camila Cabello, Ariana Grande, Shakira, and a few more coaches have never been able to coach a winner on The Voice.
Can anyone audition for The Voice 2023?
Yes, anyone who is at least 13 years old and meets other eligibility criteria can audition for The Voice season 24. Visit the official casting website only NBC to find out more details.