The eleventh and final season of The Walking Dead premiered on AMC on August 22, 2021, and it concluded on November 20, 2022. Constituting 24 episodes, The Walking Dead is an American post-apocalyptic horror television series that’s based on the titular comics and has also streamed episodes on Netflix US ever since 2014.
Although The Walking Dead is on Netflix, the other spin-off series have found their way into Amazon Prime and Disney+. With that said, here’s all you need to know about the date and timing of the arrival of The Walking Dead season 11 on Netflix.
When will Season 11 of The Walking Dead arrive on Netflix in the United States?
Previously, the seasons of The Walking Dead had been released on Netflix between 113 days and 161 days after their final episodes premiered. Taking this history into consideration, season 11 is also expected to hit the Netflix library between March and April 2023.
According to What’s on Netflix:
“One other date that we’ve been unable to verify is that the show will arrive on in January 2023.”
Be that as it may, we still haven’t received any official information regarding the Netflix release date of The Walking Dead season 11. However, before it arrives on the streaming giant, season 11 is exclusively premiering on AMC+ at the moment in the United States.
In addition to the eleventh season arriving on Netflix USA, it is also expected to arrive on Netflix Canada at the same time, owing to the pattern followed by the seasons in history.
Sources also report that some international regions have already received eight episodes of season 11 of The Walking Dead. These regions include Belgium, the Czech Republic, India, France, and Germany among others.
Is The Walking Dead a permanent member of Netflix?
Unfortunately, no. The Walking Dead will leave Netflix after season 11 becomes part of it. However, how many years we have in our hands, is still in the dark. If we take into consideration other AMC shows to assume, like Hell on Wheels, then The Walking Dead is expected to leave Netflix sometime after 2026.
Apart from Netflix, the show is also a long-term member of the streaming platform, Disney +. Currently, the show is streaming on this platform only in several regions like the United Kingdom. When it comes to Netflix US, it will probably land in AMC+ once again after its departure.
For more updates on The Walking Dead season 11, stay tuned to Web News Observer!