A Swedish teen drama romance, Young Royals is set in Hillerska, a fictional elite boarding school with an emphasis on Prince Wilhelm who finds it difficult to adjust to life at this prestigious school. Ever since its second season premiered on Netflix in November 2022, fans have been madly anticipating some news to arrive regarding Young Royals Season 3.
For those unversed, here’s the official synopsis of Young Royals (courtesy of Netflix’s Media Center):
“When Prince Wilhelm arrives at the prestigious boarding school Hillerska he finally gets an opportunity to explore his true self and find out what kind of life he really wants. Wilhelm starts dreaming of a future filled with freedom and unconditional love far away from the royal obligations – but when he unexpectedly becomes next in line for the throne his dilemma is heightened as he has to make a choice. Love or duty.”
That being said, continue to read the article to get all the latest updates about Young Royals Season 3.
Is Young Royals officially renewed for a third season by Netflix?
On December 14, 2022, Young Royals was officially renewed for a third and final season. Taking to Twitter, Netflix posted the news with a photo of Prince Wilhelm holding hands with Simon, along with a caption:
“Simon + Wilhelm forever? Young Royals will return for a third and final season.”
Simon + Wilhelm forever?
Young Royals will return for a third and final season. pic.twitter.com/zJZJMRlyEU
— Netflix (@netflix) December 14, 2022
What can we expect to happen in Young Royals Season 3?
Although the creators of the show haven’t provided any official synopsis, we can presume the story arc that the upcoming season will possibly take. Firstly, season 3 will presumably pick up from where season 2 left. In season 2, we see the secrets unfolding as the unexpected reengage dissuades Simon’s plan. Considering how dramatic and scandalous things were left in season 2, we expect even more scandal in the upcoming season.
In a conversation with Digital Spy, when Omar Rudberg, who is reprising the role of Simon, was asked how the third season would unfold, he said:
“That is so hard because it can go in so many different directions. I have a lot of ideas… Me and Lisa Ambjörn, the head writer, we want to sit down and talk about what we see and what we feel, and the ideas, and what’s actually going to happen in the story. I feel like it was a lot clearer for me when it came to season two. It was like, ‘This happened in season one. This can happen in season two.’ With season three, it’s like, ‘Now we’re talking. Now it’s getting real.’”
Who are the cast members of Young Royals Season 3?
At the time of writing, no new cast members have been announced for the upcoming season. So, we expect the following members to be featured in Young Royals Season 3:
- Edvin Ryding as Prince Wilhelm of Sweden, aka “Wille”
- Omar Rudberg as Simon Eriksson
- Malte Gårdinger as August of Årnäs
- Frida Argento as Sara Eriksson
- Nikita Uggla as Felice Ehrencrona
When can we expect Young Royals Season 3 to arrive on Netflix?
At the time of writing, Netflix has not announced any official release date for Young Royals Season 3. However, that does not come off as a surprise since it has been renewed quite recently. Season one of Young Royals was released in July 2021, followed by season two which premiered on Netflix on November 1, 2022. Taking this schedule into consideration, we expect Young Royals season 3 to hit the Netflix library in late 2023.
For more release date updates on Young Royals Season 3, stay tuned to Web News Observer!