10 Superfoods for irregular periods

Credits: Pexels

Has it clicked your mind, ‘why do we always have to experience a bad or not-so-happy- period month’? Of course, hormones are to be blamed. But what goes behind it? It must be because of how we are treating ourselves with unhealthy lifestyle and food habits.

Irregular periods are now a very common disorder, which can be treated if you follow a healthy routine throughout the month. A female body has to experience a lot of disbalances, be it hormonal or physical.

Well, we have curated a super helpful list of 10 food items that help in preponing periods, and you will end up having zero issues during your menstrual days. 


10 Superfoods for irregular periods

Turmeric is such an ingredient that it is easily available in every household kitchen. It is an excellent ingredient to control irregular menstrual cycles. Moreover, it has anti-inflammatory properties that help in lowering the abnormal pains during heavy period flow. You will get yourself a glass of turmeric milk every day to lead a healthy menstrual cycle. 


10 Superfoods for irregular periods

A female body experiences a lot of hormonal changes during those crucial days once a month. It’s very natural to feel exhausted, less energetic, and have excessive abnormal pain during your menstrual days. But don’t worry, you can easily get rid of this. Beetroot is a beneficial vegetable that helps to deal with hormonal changes and irregular periods. Moreover, the high level of folic acid will increase the hemoglobin level in the body. 

Ginger tea

10 Superfoods for irregular periods
Credits: Pexels

Ginger is one such ingredient that has various health benefits. Whether you are suffering from a cough and cold or premenstrual syndromes, a cup of ginger tea will do magic. It contains a high level of gingerol, which helps in lowering the inflammation in the body. Moreover, it promotes a healthy gut system and higher metabolism, which further helps in the regulation of the menstrual cycle. 

Salmon fish

10 Superfoods for irregular periods

We are already aware of the benefits of fish for our health. Salmon fish is one type of seafood that has a high amount of Omega 3 fatty acids, and this greatly helps in regulating hormones and prepone the menstrual cycle. It has also given proven benefits for lowering the level of hypertension. But if you are pregnant or trying to conceive, you should avoid eating salmon fish. 

Unripe papaya

Papaya is a fruit that is believed to have multiple health benefits. These include prevention of asthma, reducing the risk of cancer, regulating hormones, and curing diseases like diabetes and inflammation. The essence of vitamins A and C in unripe papaya helps in lowering abdominal pain and prevents irregular periods. Don’t forget to consume papaya on an empty stomach to grab the good benefits from it. 



If we are talking about superfoods for irregular periods, then broccoli is definitely one of them. Broccoli contains a good amount of calcium and magnesium, which helps in preponing periods and reduces headache and back pain during the menstrual cycle. Moreover, it helps in improving the digestive system and also facilitates good gut health. You can consume them raw or even stir-fry them before consuming them.

Dark chocolate

10 Superfoods for irregular periods

While PMSing, dark chocolates might be your best buddy! It relaxes the muscles and prevents irregular periods. Moreover, the higher levels of magnesium further help in reducing abdominal pain by producing more prostaglandins during period flow. It also helps in lowering the stress level, which is the obvious reason for irregular periods.


10 Superfoods for irregular periods

Avocado is one such exotic food that has multiple health benefits. The high magnesium content helps in lowering muscle contraction during periods. It also facilitates hormonal balance, which further helps in the prevention of irregular periods. Moreover, if you are suffering from premenstrual syndrome, you should start consuming avocado to stay fit and fine during your menstrual days. 


Walnuts or almonds are a source of protein, and Omega-3 fatty acids improve vitamin deficiency in your body, especially when you are PMSing. It has already been proven that these nuts contain higher amounts of magnesium that promote a regular and healthy menstrual cycle. Munch on a handful of walnuts to stay away from irregular periods and excessive abdominal contraction. 


10 Superfoods for irregular periods

Don’t consume flaxseed to control your blood flow. Well, this is a total myth that any food can control the blood flow. You can only consume these seeds if you are facing irregularities in your period schedule. Moreover, it will help you better uterine health and prevent symptoms such as headache, back pain, nausea, and extreme abdominal contraction during the menstrual days. 


This is one such fruit that has become very expensive in the market, and people usually do not think of buying it on a daily basis. However, it is considered a superfood by many doctors and researchers. This tiny fruit is loaded with nutrients like vitamin C, protein, monounsaturated fat, potassium, vitamin K, and magnesium, which helps to regulate timely periods and reduce extreme PMSing symptoms. 


10 Best foods for fatty liver

These include beans, peas, and lentils loaded with nutrients like potassium and magnesium and will be extremely helpful if you are suffering from irregular periods. If you are vegetarian and don’t want to include fish in your meals, you can surely go for this, which will promote a healthy menstrual cycle.
