If you prefer to eat gluten food such as pizza, pasta, and carbonated fizzy drinks, then frequent burps and farts might not be uncommon for you. Now, while these natural occurrences, if done frequently, might bring you loads of embarrassment, it is important to talk about them and find the reason behind them.
These foods have a high tendency to give you a bloated stomach and in the long run, it can further give you painful gastric issues. You should be very particular while choosing the items for your meals to prevent being bloated for the rest of the day. Hence today we have curated a list of 15 such foods that might cause bloating.

Who doesn’t want to live a healthy life in this random season-changing era? Apple can be a savior. It helps boost the immune system and prevents digestive issues and even diabetes. Apples are often known as a diabetes-friendly fruit. But do you know that apples are also rich in fiber and fructose which causes bloating or swelling of the stomach after consuming them?

Doctors often prescribe us to consume watermelon on an empty stomach, because it’s a great storehouse of vitamins and minerals. This particular fruit has a high water intensity that will protect you from dehydration, particularly in the summer months. But before eating watermelon, make sure to check whether you are suffering from gastric issues or bloating. This is because the high level of fructose found in watermelon is believed to give you a swelling effect in your tummy after consuming it.
Citrus fruits

If you are consuming a bowl of Citrus fruits on an empty stomach, you should stop this immediately. It tends to cause stomach irritation and can result in vomiting and stomach ache. It also causes gastric issues and will also make you feel bloated for the rest of the day. Moreover, fruits like orange, guava, and grapes can slow down your digestive system in the long run.
Tomatoes are rich in nutrients like vitamin C and are great for our health. But it’s not a great option to start the day with tomatoes. It contains a lot of tannic acid which increases the formation of acids in the stomach and you will end up having a good heartburn all throughout the day. But it’s obviously a healthy option to include tomatoes in lunch and dinner.

Mushroom is considered one of the nutritious substitutes for meat because it’s a powerhouse of nutrients like riboflavin, pantothenic acid, folate, and more which helps to boost our immunity system. But it should be noted that if you are one of those people who often suffers from gastric problems and constipation then mushroom is a big NO for you. The presence of Polyols, a sugar alcohol might cause bloating and the formation of gas.
Processed foods

Processed foods such as tinned vegetables, canned meat, savory snacks, and ready-to-eat meals are rich in preservatives such as Sodium nitrite or potassium nitrite. Furthermore, the high levels of flour, fructose, and lactose can cause unforeseeable situations like bloating. Processed foods are simply to be avoided because of these harmful preservatives, which can even cause stomach cancer in the long run.
Chia seeds

Well, this is a controversial point. We are all aware of the health benefits of chia seeds. And rightfully so- they are a great source of protein, fiber, and antioxidants. But one should not consume this on an empty stomach because it can cause heartburn, bloating, and even blood pressure complications. Hence it’s better to avoid having chia seeds on an empty stomach.
Carbonated Drinks

Carbonated drinks such as cold drinks, soda, packaged beer, or even packaged fruit drinks are the worst things to consume especially in the daytime. Don’t forget that you might be gulping a lot of carbon dioxide gas while having these drinks. But if you are really craving for such things, you can surely grab either some raw fruit juices or unsweetened iced coffee or tea.
Junk food
One of the most common on-the-go breakfasts across the world is noodles or pizza. Both are equally dangerous and harmful if you are a gastric patient. You might feel full and heavy after consuming these fast foods. A lot of spices are believed to irritate your stomach health, ultimately causing stomach upset and heartburn.
Dairy products

The high level of lactose in every dairy product might cause uneasy situations of bloating and heartburn. These days lactose intolerance in the human body is pretty common and that’s why it’s never advisable to consume milk tea or milk coffee in the morning, that too on an empty stomach.
Beans have high levels of lectins that can cause bloating and make you feel gassy all throughout the day. But they are very healthy and have a high nutritive value, so you can either soak them overnight or cook them before consuming them to avoid gas production and being bloated for the rest of the day.

As we all know, wheat contains a high level of protein, which is also known as gluten. People who are having gastric issues often try to prefer gluten-free foods. Baked foods like pizza, pasta, bagels, and loaf bread often tend to give you a bloated feeling and make you feel extra full after consuming them.

You should never consume coffee on an empty stomach. It will make you feel more dehydrated if you are choosing coffee as first thing in the morning. Research says that it has a tendency to increase stress hormones which makes us more anxious and results in sleeplessness. Moreover, it increases the formation of gas in the colon and ultimately it will end up giving you a painful bloated stomach.
Onions are that magical ingredient that makes our meal a perfect one. But have you ever thought while nibbling a raw onion in the form of salads, that it might cause painful bloating and heartburn? Generally, onions contain fructans that have a high tendency to make you feel uncomfortable for the rest of the day.

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli are one of such vegetables that are not so easy to digest and can cause bloating. Hence it’s always advisable to cook these vegetables before eating because our digestive system will not be able to process such raw foods further.