The American science fiction comedy-drama television series, Upload, directed by Greg Daniels is coming up with Season 2. The series was premiered on Amazon Prime Video on May 1, 2020. Unlike, other shows, a delay was there due to the pandemic but there’s a piece of good news, so hold your excitement as the show is coming again soon. Yes, you read that right, the show is all set to premiere in 2022.
From the release date, plot, cast, to the latest updates about Upload Season 2, here is every piece of information that you are looking for.
Upload Season 2 Release date
The shooting of the show was done nine months ago, and it was officially wrapped up in April 2021. The series is now all set to be premiered on March 11, 2022. The season will stream on Amazon Prime Video. Even, The release of the second season was confirmed by Daniels on May 8, 2020, through an official statement that reads, “I am thrilled to continue a great relationship with Amazon Studios and this wonderful cast and find out what happens next to Nora and Nathan and Ingrid and their 2033 world.”
Jennifer Salke Amazon Studios’ head also added about Upload Season 2, “smart, cinematic comedy crackling with intrigue.”She further added, “We know our global fans want to see the next chapter with Nathan and Nora, so we are greenlighting season two and are excited that Greg’s passion project has found such a devoted audience.”
Upload Season 2 Plot
The excitement for Upload Season 2 is high and the fans are anticipating what new the fresh season has on offer.
To give you a sneak peek, you will see Nathan in an awkward situation as his ex comes back to Lakeview and want to be with him again but he has eyes for his afterlife handler. she has joined an underground group as she has discovered that she has adequate knowledge about the tech industry. and has involved herself with some anti-tech rebel group called The Ludds.
Upload Season 2 will also introduce Lakeviews new app called ‘prototykes’ which is a digital baby program. The season will be fun with a glimpse of technological advancements and the headaches caused by them.
Upload Season 2 Cast
The main cast of the season is starring Robbie Amell portrays Nathan Brown who is a 27-year-old computer engineering graduate who is newly promoted as a computer programmer and is shifted to the digital afterlife Lake View. Andy Allo is Nora Antony, who is a living woman and is Nathan’s right hand in his afterlife. Allegra Edwards is playing Ingrid Kannerman and is playing Nathan’s girlfriend. Kevin Bigley is Luke, who is a former army corporal and a resident of Lake View who supports Nathan and has knowledge regarding cheat codes in Lake View. Zainab Johnson as Aleesha Nora’s coworker and Luke’s handler. Josh Banday is Ivan and Nora’s coworker.
Upload Season 2 Trailer: Where to watch it
If you are eager to see the trailer of Upload Season 2, you might have to wait a little more since the trailer hasn’t been released yet. But since the series is all geared up to release on March 11, 2022, we can expect it in a few weeks or right before the season airs, whatever the makers think is best.
If you are worried about the running time of Upload Season 2, it will have 7 episodes which will be 30 minutes long. All the episodes will stream on Amazon Prime Video.