Conflicts are an inevitable part of a relationship. From making your relationship a bit stronger to bringing your closer to each other, healthy arguments are not to be afraid of. However, if conflicts are all that you have in a relationship it can do more harm to your relationship than good.
The difference in ideologies and thought processes can lead to frequent conflicts in relationships. The only way out here is to understand each other’s opinion, value it, and put across your views in such a way that it doesn’t hurt your partner’s sentiments and doesn’t sound like an order to them.
Here are 4 ways to avoid conflict in a relationship.
Always listen first
Conflicts arise when we are only focused on speaking our minds out instead of listening to what the other person has to say. So, before speaking, have some patience, listen to your partner’s views or opinions, understand them and then react. This will leave no room for misunderstanding and aggressive arguments.
Value your partner’s opinions
Even if you think your partner is wrong at some point, let them say what they want to. Once they are done. politely tell them how you have an even better idea. Ask them what they think about your views. If they don’t agree, ask for their advice and tell them you want to come to a mutual decision. Always make sure that they are never under the perception that you don’t value their views. Appreciate their views and their ability to give things proper thought even if you don’t always agree with them.
Gently put across your points and views
This is a far better way of sorting things out and holding discussions rather than shouting and getting upset. If handled maturely, things will soon diffuse and you will be kicking out unnecessary conflicts from your relationship. If the situation seems out of control, pause and move out. Let your partner calm down and then explain your points and views to them. Back them with facts and proper reasons, don’t vaguely put it across.
Don’t sound offensive
There are times when we don’t realize that our words are offending our partner. So, if you see your partner taking offense, accept your mistake and apologize. Make sure your tone is not too loud and avoid arguments that you know are bound to turn ugly. Settle things when both of you are in a good mood. Don’t pick unnecessary fights to turn your discussion into a conflict.