The dramatic reimagining of the 1990s sitcom, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air premiered on February 13, 2022, on Peacock. With the season one finale of Bel-Air set to premiere on March 31, viewers have been wondering about a potential season two of the reboot of their beloved 90s sitcom.
The original sitcom aired between 1990 and 1996 and gave us talents like Will Smith and there have been long anticipation for a revival. Bel-Air has come a long way since its beginnings as a YouTube short film. Morgan Cooper’s short film of the same name, a reimagining of the original sitcom, went viral and caught everyone’s attention in Hollywood, including Will Smith’s. Smith was so taken with the concept that he took it as the basis for a revival of his original show which he produced through his production company Westbrook Studios.
Here’s everything you need to know about Bel-Air Season 2:
Is there a Bel-Air Season 2?
There is no official confirmation for renewal of Bel-Air Season 2. But with the show’s success and original prince Will Smith producing the reboot, there are high hopes for the next season. It is most likely to get a season two.
When will Bel-Air Season 2 release?
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Following the Super Bowl 2022 on February 13, the first three episodes of Bel-Air aired on Peacock. New episodes of Bel-Air drop at 5:01 a.m. ET / 2:01 a.m. PT on every Thursday. Overall, there are 10 episodes of the Bel-Air Season 1 with the season finale set to premiere on Thursday, March 31. After the completion of Season one, if the show gets renewed for a second season, it may get released later in 2023.
Bel-Air Season 2 Cast: Who will be in it?
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The series regulars, Jabari Bank as Will Smith, Adrian Holmes as Uncle Phil and Cassandra Freeman as Aunt Viv. Nigerian-American actor Olly Sholotan plays Carlton, Coco Jones plays Hilary and Akira Akbar portrays Ashley is expected to return for Bel-Air Season 2.
Here’s the list of cast members:
- Jabari Banks
- Cassandra Freeman
- Jimmy Akingbola
- Olly Sholotan
- Coco Jones
- Akira Akbar
- Simone Joy Jones
- Jordan L. Jones
- Adrian Holmes
- April Parker Jones
Bel-Air Season 2: What will it be about?
Season 1 took the 90s sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air to the modern-day American. The reboot follows the same plot as the original from the 1990s, with Will Smith growing up in West Philadelphia and his mother becoming increasingly concerned about him, sending him to live with his uncle Phil in Bel-Air, an upscale Los Angeles neighborhood.
The official synopsis reads: “Set in modern-day America, Bel-Air is a serialized one-hour dramatic analogue of the ‘90s sitcom, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, that leans into the original premise: Will’s complicated journey from the streets of West Philadelphia to the gated mansions of Bel-Air. With a reimagined vision, Bel-Air will dive deeper into the inherent conflicts, emotions and biases that were impossible to fully explore in a 30-minute sitcom format, while still delivering swagger and nods to the original show.”
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It is too early to predict anything about the plot of Bel-Air Season 2. The last episode aired, Episode 4 followed the family as they supported Uncle Phil’s campaign. The Banks family and Will took to the streets to register voters and Tray came to visit Will in Bel-Air.
Where can you watch Bel Air?
Bel-Air premieres a brand new episode on Peacock every Thursday. So, the latest episode premieres today, February 24. Bel-Air is available to stream on Peacock via the platform’s premium service. And in total, there will be 10 episodes in Bel-Air Season 1. Here’s how the release schedule looks:
- Episode 5: Thursday, February 24
- Episode 6: Thursday, March 3
- Episode 7: Thursday, March 10
- Episode 8: Thursday, March 17
- Episode 9: Thursday, March 24
- Episode 10: Thursday, March 31