Pretty Smart is a Netflix original sitcom that is one of the most underrated Netflix shows that was released in October 2021, created by Jack Dolgen and Doug Mand, produced by Kourtney Kang. This show with 10 episodes in Season 1 was shot on a standard living room comedy set with an addition of laugh tracks that are added.
However, as soon as Season 1 ended, the mystery of a probable Pretty Smart Season 2 started stirring up and fans are eagerly waiting for any update related to the much-awaited Season 2.
If you, too, are in the list of fans who have their eyes glued to the screen to get a glimpse of any piece of information related to Pretty Smart Season 2, we have an update. And not a good one.
Pretty Smart Season 2 is not coming to Netflix in March. Disappointed? Of course, you are. It seems the disappointment will continue and the wait for a probable Season 2 will be a long one.
Here is everything we know so far about Pretty Smart Season 2.
When will Pretty Smart Season 2 release?
There has been no official announcement regarding the release or renewal of Pretty Smart Season 2. However, the good thing is that it has not been canceled, too.
What is Pretty Smart Season 2 going to be about?
Around the end of Season 1, there was a fierce love triangle brewing in the house between Claire who kissed her sister’s ex-boyfriend Grant. Even though Chelsea was very close to catching her sister and her ex-boyfriend kissing, the situation becomes more awkward when Chelsea wants to have a conversation with Claire about her relationship with Grant and if she would be fine with Chelsea having a relationship with Grant. So, we can expect that in a probable Season 2 there will be an ongoing love triangle between Claire, Grant and Chelsea.
Pretty Smart Season 2 Cast
The leads would be:
- Chelsea – Emily Osment
- Solana – Cinthya Carmona
- Claire – Olivia Macklin
- Jayden – Michael Hsu Rosen
The supporting cast will include:
- Grant – Gregg Sulkin
- Tiffany – Imani Love
- Jane – Alexandra Scott
- Johnson – Robert Belushi
- Nabila – Santana Dempser
- Topher – David Gridley
- Aaron – Kyle Jones
When can we expect Pretty Smart 2 on Netflix?
As aforementioned, there has been no official announcement on the renewal of Pretty Smart Season 2 by Netflix. However, if, at all, it happens, we can expect it in October or November 2022, at the earliest, on Netflix. That said, it’s too early to predict anything given the fact that Netflix is yet to give the new season a go-ahead.
What is Pretty Smart about?
If you haven’t watched the show yet, here’s a brief. Chelsea (Emily Osment), a Harvard student and an aspiring author moves in with her sister Claire (Olivia Macklin) and her other three roommates in Los Angeles. Chelsea and Claire are polar opposite, where Claire is a bubbly, bright, carefree who is a waitress, on the other hand, Chelsea is a nerdy, smart and particular girl, they grow closer than before, including all her roommates from Jayden (Michael Hsu Rosen) to Solana (Cinthya Carmona) to Grant (Gregg Sulkin) and Claire’s ex-boyfriend and Chelsea’s co-worker at Build. Season 1 of this sitcom was a light and entertaining comedy that stars two former Disney channel stars.