I Love That For You is a drama-comedy that premiered on Showtime on May 1, 2022. The series is created by Vanessa Bayer and Jeremy Beiler. The story of the show is inspired by Vanessa Bayer’s real-life experience of leukemia in her childhood. The story revolves around a girl (Joanna Gold played by Vanessa Bayer herself) as a host, who has to lie about her childhood cancer returning back in order to secure her job. The series had eight episodes, the pilot episode was released on May 1, 2022, while the last episode was released on 19th June 2022. The first season gained love from the audience due to its comedy and Vanessa Bayer’s character and story.
And hence, the fans are eager to know whether they will be getting another series or not. Keep reading to know the updates on the second season of the series.
I Love That For You Season 2: Is it renewed or canceled?
Sad news for all the I Love That For You fans who were looking forward to another season of the series. According to the sources, the series have been canceled after its first season. Hence, there will be NO Season 2 for the show. The network announced the cancellation of the show on Wednesday, June 7, 2023. The spokesperson of the network told the media that, “I Love That For You has completed its run on the Showtime. We want to thank Vanessa, Jeremy, and Jessi, along with the incredible cast and crew for their hard work and wish them the best going forward.”The cancellation was announced after one year of the premiere of the first season of the series.
Even though Showtime has broke ties with the show, the production is open for new networks to collaborate with.
If ever the series is to be adopted by another network and gets a green light for another series, let us see what will it be about and who will be in the cast.
What will Season 2 be about if it gets renewed?
While there is no official plot for Season 2 since it got canceled, if at all it gets renewed or gets picked up by another network, it would likely be a continuation of the first season and will follow the story of Joanna’s job and all her lies falling out in front.
In the season 1 last episode, Joanna comes out about all the lies she has told her friends and colleagues.
Where can you watch I Love That For You Season 1?
Knowing the bad news about the cancellation of the series for the second season, it’s never bad to go down memory lane and re-watch the show again. And those who have not seen this drama-comedy can stream the first season on Hulu, Paramount+, iTunes, and Amazon Prime Video.