BTS member V took a trip down memory lane and shared his fond memories of meeting the legendary singer Lady Gaga at the Grammy Awards in 2022. V posted two stories on his Instagram account, featuring pictures of him with the pop/jazz diva. As Lady Gaga’s song “I’ll Never Love Again” from “A Star Is Born” played in the background, fans started speculating about a possible collaboration between the two artists, although nothing has been confirmed yet.
Taehyung (V) of BTS shares this throwback pic with Lady Gaga at the 2022 Grammys and uses “I’ll Never Love Again” on his Instagram story 💝
— Gaga Notify (@gaganotify) June 21, 2023
V’s Love for Jazz and Possible Collaboration Hints
BTS’ V, known for his love of jazz, has often expressed his admiration for the genre through various covers and videos on his Instagram and BTS’ YouTube channel. In his recent Instagram story, V mentioned enjoying Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett’s performance in “A Star Is Born” and referred to Lady Gaga as his “Jazz Queen.” This sparked excitement among fans, who began speculating about a collaboration between V and Lady Gaga. While no official confirmation has been made, fans, known as ARMYs, would be thrilled to see this collaboration come to fruition.
V’s Jazz Journey and Anticipation for Solo Debut
From listening to jazz legends like Bing Crosby to dancing to jazz music at a club, V has shared his deep appreciation for jazz through various Instagram posts. He even performed covers of two jazz classics for BTS FESTA 2023, titled “La Jazz de V.” ARMYs eagerly await V’s solo debut album, and the list of assumed collaborations now includes Lady Gaga. While the release of V’s solo album remains unconfirmed, fans can’t help but imagine the exciting possibilities of a collaboration between V and Lady Gaga.