An anticipation for a new movie makes our lives exciting, and to relive the old ones is what makes us feel alive again. A new movie is like a new flower in the spring season, and the thought of seeing the new movie for the very first time makes our hearts skip a beat. A human being’s search for that comfort film is a wonderful thing, but is it the old ones that bring back that nostalgia or the upcoming new ones with the hope of leaving a lasting impression on our hearts?
With the beginning of a new month, Netflix refreshes its data, which indicates the introduction of new films. And some of them are Netflix original films. For those wondering what projects Netflix has to offer in May 2023, here’s a list of five movies.
1. Royalteen: Princess Margrethe:
Released on May 11, 2023, this movie revolves around royals and drama, dealing with not-so-normal situations, and is a huge hit with a specific set of audiences. Royalteen: Princess Margrethe is centered around a young princess who wants a normal life when things go disorderly and who doesn’t like a story that centers around a royal teen. If teenage anxiety and sorrow get you pumped up, then this is the perfect choice for you.
2. The Mother:
As you all know, a little action is what gives us that adrenaline rush, and while we are on that topic, Netflix has something for that too. Released on May 12, 2023, The Mother takes us straight into the action thriller, where we meet none other than Jennifer Lopez, who is an assassin in this one. According to Netflix:
“She’s got a particular set of skills, and woe unto those who cross her.”
One thing is for sure: this is going to be an action-packed movie, especially when they have Jennifer Lopez playing an assassin and a mother.
3. Anna Nicole Smith: You Don’t Know Me
Released on May 16, 2023, this movie is about a pop culture phenomenon Vickie Lynn Hogan, best known by her stage name Anna Nicole Smith, who rose to fame in quick succession when she appeared on the pages of Playboy magazine in 1992. This movie shows us the other side of a pop star’s life, her life would be an open book for the whole of the country. This movie brings forth to us the life of the model and actress, taking us back to the events which led to her untimely death because of an accidental drug overdose.
4. Victim/Suspect:
Coming on May 23, 2023, this movie is a documentary based on the investigation of journalist Rachel de Leon, on how women can sometimes use their gender-based power for false sexual allegations, although the women in this one were actually victims. This movie will take you on a journey on how the police force in the United States unfairly turns sexual assault victims into suspects of crimes that never happened. It’s an astounding documentary unraveling how sexism still guides the actions of the people sworn to defend us.
5. Blood & Gold:
Coming on May 26, 2023, this movie dives into the world of killing Nazis and, as the name suggests, a search for a treasure; it follows the German runaway Robert Maaser) and farmer Elsa (Marie Hacke) as they take on the Nazis and fight the SS to get what they want. The movie’s trailer promises Blood & Gold is tapping into Quentin Tarantino’s exquisite insanity to bring us a unique treasure hunt.