You must have heard people say that one of the best ways to stay healthy is by drinking lemon water and/or apple cider vinegar early in the morning. People have listed numerous benefits of lemon because the acid cuts off extra fat, re-bounces your metabolism, keeps you slim, and is way better than having a cup of caffeine. Similarly, apple cider vinegar is a highly recommended product by diet experts. Apple cider is known for killing bacteria, helping in the weight loss process, and even managing diabetes. But no one told you they have serious side effects!
Along with its benefits, you must know its side effects to make your consumption effective and risk-free. Here are six side effects of drinking lemon water and apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach.
Apple cider vinegar and Lemon water may affect your medicine intake
Due to their acidic nature, apple cider vinegar and lemon juice can interrupt your medicine intake. They can react with the tablets you take and create side effects you do not want. The acid in vinegar and lemon, when taken with medicine and drugs, can lead to different reactions in your body and might cause nausea, gas, and acidity.
They might induce migraine
Vinegar and lemon juice contain acetic acid and citric acid. The by-product of these acids is amino acids which in someone people can break into tyramine. The excess of tyramine induces severe headaches and can cause migraine.
Apple cider vinegar can burn your throat

You already know that apple cider vinegar has acetic qualities. If you take cider vinegar on an empty stomach and dry throat, there are many chances that it might burn your throat. Especially for children, you need to be careful before giving them apple cider. Children have soft and delicate tissues which easily get burnt.
Lemon juice can create gastric ulcers

The acidity level in lemon juice is higher than in other fruits. The citric acid usually helps in treating bacterial wounds but its intake on an empty stomach can lead to gastric ulcers. It will make the inner layer of the stomach acidic and may cause health and digestive issues.
Lemon can make you pee more

It is advised to take lemon juice with lots of water. You must have never questioned it, but there’s a scientific reason behind it. Lemon juice is diuretic. It leads to the release of more urine than normal. Therefore, it is recommended to take lemon juice with lots of water. This is also a big reason why lemon is part of detox diets and cleansing diets.
Lemon makes your mouth ulcer worse

Again due to its acidic nature, it is not recommended to take lemon juice when you have ulcers in your mouth. Even if there’s a cut, the citric acid in lemon can worsen it and cause pain and irritation. It is advisable to take Vitamin C tablets to treat mouth ulcers.
There are numerous benefits of apple cider vinegar and lemon water which cannot be ignored. But they do have side effects that should be considered. However, the side effects of apple cider vinegar and lemon water are usually the result of their low pH scale. Still, they can be taken with proper precaution.