More often than not, the first thing in the morning we are reminded of is our impending dues and there go our already ricocheting anxiety levels. Instead of imagining a hunky-dory picture of waking up to the sound of the birds in the morning with the sun shining on our faces, we are compelled to jump straight out of our beds and into the washroom to bustle with life.
Amid all that chaos, we don’t remember to keep in check our body’s needs. One of the most ardent needs of our bodies is water since it is an essential nutrient. Your body can’t produce enough water for meeting its basic needs. Ergo, you’ll have to get it from external sources to maintain your body’s health.
According to William W. Li, MD., physician and author of Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself, a normal human body loses water every day to carry out processes like peeing, sweating and even exhaling. Under such conditions, drinking water constantly becomes a prerequisite. But most of us fall short of it, under the garb of being “busy.”
Sooner or later, being busy becomes one of the predominant causes of dehydration that catapults into a headache, dry cough, fatigue, dizziness, and sometimes, life-threatening illnesses such as heatstroke. In addition to this, the below-mentioned are some of the side effects of not drinking enough water.
6 Side effects of not drinking enough water
1. Brain Fog

According to the US Geological Survey, our brain requires a minimum of 73% water, and not drinking enough can lead to the bluntness of cognitive faculties. In addition, as per the 2019 review in Nutrients, dehydration can negatively impact our working memory, which is normally utilized to plan, organize and execute daily activities. If you’re currently feeling a mental fog, it’s time you need to chug some water.
2. Rampant mood levels

One of the predominant reasons why you might be feeling cranky lately might suggest increased levels of dehydration. The 2019 review in Nutrients indicates irate behavior, coupled with confusion and depression increase with as little as 1% dehydration. So, whenever you feel irritable, cranky, or something out of the way, remember to pour yourself a glass of water and breathe for a few seconds.
3. Headaches

As previously mentioned, brains require 73% of water. When it falls short of it, it can lead to headaches and fatigue, as per the 2021 research in Current Pain and Headache Reports. Instead of taking medication in a hurry, it is important to chug a couple of glasses of water and rest.
4. Increased possibility of stroke
A 2020 study in the Journal of Clinical Neuroscience points to the increased risks of stroke that a dehydrated individual is subjected to. Under such circumstances, it is essential to monitor how many glasses of water you are drinking, especially to keep your cardiovascular system in shape. One way to check is to see the color of your pee. If it’s dark yellow, drink some water immediately.
5. Decreased energy levels
Water essentially functions to keep your mind alert and your body balanced. A low amount of water in the body can plummet your energy levels, ergo, leading to increased afternoon slumps, and a 20-minute nap, turning into a 2-hour “deep sleep”. And even after that, you will probably feel too tired to work than refreshed.
6. Poor metabolism
Water is something that your body cannot function without. So, when you’re dehydrated, your metabolism will naturally plummet, ergo, reducing your energy levels. It is extremely prudent for your body to stay hydrated so that it can function at its best.