6 Signs of calcium deficiency

signs symptoms calcium deficiency
Credits: Pixabay

Calcium is a vital and most abundant mineral in the human body. 99% of the mineral is found in bones and teeth and the remaining 1% is present in the blood. It helps in communication between the brain and other body parts and also regulates the nervous system. Not to mention, it is responsible for keeping the bones healthy and strong for the proper functioning of the body. Hence, it goes without saying that low levels of calcium can be a big problem.

What is calcium deficiency?

When calcium levels in the body drop, a deficiency of calcium occurs. It can restrict the growth and development of the body. When calcium levels remain low for a long period in the blood, it is called Hypocalcemia. It has adverse effects on the body and can result in serious diseases.

Here are some of the signs that can tell you if you have calcium deficiency:


signs symptoms calcium deficiency

Calcium is needed for muscle fibers and neurons, so when it is depleted in cells, weariness begins to set in, resulting in fatigue. It also involves lightheadedness, dizziness, and brain fog — characterized by a lack of focus, forgetfulness, and confusion.

Adverse PMS

Most people are unaware of the link between severe PMS and low calcium levels but low levels of calcium can aggravate the painful symptoms of Premenstrual syndrome. Numerous studies have revealed that individuals with extremely distressing PMS symptoms frequently do not consume enough calcium in their diet.

Brittle nails

calcium deficiency symptoms signs

This is the earliest symptom of deficiency of Calcium because it facilitates nail strength and growth. If you aren’t getting enough calcium, your nails could take a beating. The nails will become weaker, brittle, and thinner, and will easily break off

Numbness and tingling sensation

The body needs calcium for every nerve cell and they struggle to register feelings and deliver information when calcium levels fall too low. Hence, you feel tingling sensations and numbness, especially in your hands and feet.

Muscles and bone problems

Calcium is very important for the muscles as they regulate the contraction and relaxation of muscles. The deficiency of it can make your muscles more prone to muscle spasms and cramps. A severe deficiency can also result in convulsions and arrhythmias

Dry skin

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A lesser-known function of calcium is to support healthy skin by lowering the pH of the skin and preserving the skin barrier. This stops the skin from losing too much water. The skin can no longer keep moisture and a proper pH when calcium blood levels are too low. This also results in acne in a few people.

See a doctor if you find yourself having even any one of the symptoms mentioned above. Never draw conclusions by yourself and start medication. Avoid taking supplements and switch to the natural way of having calcium. You can consume foods like cheese, yogurt, beans, lentils, almonds, leafy vegetables, etc. to avoid the lack of calcium.
