6 Signs that you are lactose intolerant

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If you have been feeling uneasy every time you eat or drink dairy products, you may typically be experiencing symptoms that are associated with lactose intolerance. Read ahead to know the identified and possible symptoms for the same!

Lactose intolerance is where you are most likely to experience digestive symptoms, including bloating, diarrhea, and other symptoms. By adulthood, about 70% of people across the globe may not produce enough lactase to properly digest the lactose in milk, which then results in the mentioned symptoms and conditions.

Here are 6 signs that you need to identify for lactose intolerance.

Stomach pain and bloating


This is the most common symptom of lactose intolerance in people belonging to every age group. When our body cannot break down lactose, it passes through the gut until it reaches the colon. Lactose cannot be absorbed by the cells, but it can be fermented by natural bacteria known as microflora.

The increase in acids and gases may lead to stomach pain and cramps. Bloating can be caused by increased water and gas in the colon, which causes the gut wall to stretch, also known as distention.


Lactose intolerance can cause diarrhea by increasing the volume of water in the colon, which can also increase the volume and liquid content of the stool. Consuming even a minimum ratio of lactose can be enough to cause symptoms of diarrhea.

In the colon, microflora ferment lactose to short-chain fatty acids and gases. Most, but not all, of these acids are absorbed back into the colon. The leftover acids and lactose increase the amount of water that the body releases into the colon.

Increased gas

stomach ache

The fermentation of lactose in the colon increases the production of gases hydrogen, methane, and carbon dioxide.

The amount of gas produced can differ from person to person due to differences in the efficiency of the microflora and the rate of gas reabsorption by the colon. People with lactose intolerance tend to ferment lactose into acids and gases, resulting in more lactose being fermented in the colon, which can increase flatulence.


Being lactose intolerant may result in nausea or even vomiting in some people, sometimes even in children. It is one of the most common symptoms of being lactose intolerant among kids, followed by abdominal pain.

When lactose ferments in the gut, the gases and fatty acids released in your stomach can make you feel sick, and the symptoms tend to show up about 30 minutes to 2 hours after consuming dairy. However, nausea and vomiting can have other different causes as well.



There are multiple reasons for having or developing constipation. However, constipation can also be one of the symptoms of lactose intolerance. When lactose is fermented, it produces methane gas, which slows down the entire process of the digestive tract, making the food challenging to travel through the gut. As a consequence, it is likely to result in constipation.


Dairy products can be easily a common source of food allergies, which can escalate the symptoms of eczema.
