It’s a no-brainer that the sunshine vitamin, Vitamin D is extremely important to human body. However, a surprising fact is that Vitamin D is not a Vitamin but it is a precursor to the hormone calcitriol. Also, our body produces Vitamin D itself by absorbing sunlight. But the Vitamin D produced in the body is inert and has to go through two chemical processes in the body to get activated.
Firstly, in the liver and then in kidney. When Vitamin D reaches the liver it gets converted in a prehormone named calcidol, then this calcidol reaches Kidney for further process. In the kidney, it gets converted into its final and active form known as calcitriol.
Enough science? Here’s some knowledge. Foods like fatty fish such as tuna, salmon, soymilk, orange juice, milk, cheese, egg yolks, cod liver oil, mushrooms are all great sources of Vitamin D. Not to mention, sunshine is the main source of Vitamin D.
What is the importance of Vitamin D?
Vitamin D performs a lot of important functions in human body that are necessary for survival. Vitamin D helps in maintaining and building the strength of our bones and it affects the entire musculoskeletal system. After 30, women start to lose their density of bone, so Vitamin D is really important for women. Vitamin D helps in prevention and treatment of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, multiple sclerosis (MS), hypertension and multiple sclerosis
Also, it helps in regulation of cells and the immune system that leads to protection of our body from cancer. Several diseases like osteoporosis, rickets, skin cancer, skeletal diseases like osteoporosis, certain cancers, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune diseases, infections, inflammatory bowel diseases, psychological disorders, cognitive disorders, obesity, and or mortality are caused due to deficiency of Vitamin D. It also regulates blood sugar levels and blood pressure which leads to cardiac control. And lots more!
As Vitamin D plays such an important part in human body, it is important to keep a check on the levels of Vitamin D. Here are 7 Signs of Vitamin D deficiency.
Pain in muscles
If you are facing immense and constant muscle pain, it is an indication that you lack Vitamin D as when metabolized, Vitamin D leads to increase in contraction of muscle which is the main mechanism for strengthening of bone. Also deficiency of Vitamin D decreases calcium absorption in the body which leads to musculoskeletal pain.
Constant restlessness
If you are feeling tired even after having proper meal and sleep, it is an indication that you lack Vitamin D. It is really important to sit at least 20 minutes under sunlight and have foods that contain Vitamin D like mushroom in your diet.
If you are feeling depressed even though nothing serious happened then it is a sign that you are lacking Vitamin D. It is really important to add Vitamin D to your diet as our emotions are influenced by Vitamin D concentration. The lack of it leads to depression as receptors of Vitamin D in the brain at the prefrontal cortex, hypothalamus, and substantia nigra play an important role in regulating emotions. Also, lack of Vitamin D can lead to diminishing serotonin concentrations.
Weak immunity
Do you fall sick really often? It indicates that you lack Vitamin D. Lack of Vitamin D can lead to a weak immune system. As Vitamin D innate antimicrobial response it leads to increase in TLR binding which further leads to processes that facilitate strong immune system. So, lack of Vitamin D can lead to a weak immune system.
Increase in blood pressure
Lack of Vitamin D can lead to an increase in blood pressure levels. It helps in suppressing the enzymatic reaction that leads to dehydration and arterial restriction, eventually leading to increasing of blood pressure. So, lack of Vitamin D will lead to high blood pressure.
Sexual problems
Even after having the healthy food and appeal to involve in a sexual activity, you may be facing problems related to erection. You might not be getting a firmer erection, this indicates a lack of Vitamin D. Ignorance can lead to Erectile Dysfunction.
Sweaty forehead
Though it is common to have a sweaty head in summers, the heavy amount of sweat can be alarming. And if you are having sweat even in winters, then higher are the risks of Vitamin D deficiency.
Mentioned above are the 7 signals that your body lacks Vitamin D. However, the above-mentioned symptoms can signal other underlying problems too. Hence, it is advised that you seek help from a professional if you experience any of the symptoms.