When you enter a new relationship your butterflies can literally make you feel as if you have found the one, as if you have finally met your soulmate after that long-lost search of yours, but that might not be the case every time you feel it is. Everything may seem perfect and you might be the happiest person while in the relationship but you might still not be compatible with your partner.
So here are some signs that could help you figure out if you and your partner are not compatible with each other.
1. The future looks different to both of you
It is completely possible that your partner wants a secluded countryside life while you are someone who craves a busy and shimmery city life. But this is a sign that you both want different things in life and have different expectations from the same making you incompatible with each other. There might still be certain aspects of life that you both agree on and are even happy with but if you can’t align together on the bigger things you just are not meant to be together.
2. You both don’t know how to fight
Fighting is a very important part of any relationship and if you and your partner don’t even know how to fight, you don’t know how to handle arguments and often let those arguments decide the course of your relationship, you guys are just not doing it right. In this situation, there are a lot of chances that you both are not compatible together.
3. You are always insecure
A healthy or “meant to be” relationship is bound to make you feel secure and comfortable in being yourself and if that is not the case and you have a constant feeling of insecurity in your relationship it is a clear sign of incompatibility.
4. You have different eating habits
Diets don’t seem to be a problem in a relationship right? But what if we tell you that you are wrong here. You don’t know but having a different approach to diet and food can literally cause problems down your relationship road. So if you feel that you and your partner also have this problem it might be a sign that you are not compatible with each other.
5. You both have different intellectual levels
If the intellectual level of you and your partner doesn’t match, there are a lot of chances that things won’t work out for you in the long term. In the beginning, you may look over the differences but as soon as the honeymoon period ends and reality hits, you would realize that you both are not actually compatible with each other.
6. You don’t have common interests
We know that it is not possible that you and your partner share all common interests, but relationships can still work when you both enjoy different things but are ready to make efforts to do things together. What doesn’t work is when you both put zero effort into doing some things that your partner enjoys and you don’t even respect each other’s interests.
7. Your values and beliefs don’t align
People might say that opposites attract but that is surely not what they mean while talking about life values and beliefs. If you and your partner share completely opposite values related to life you should know that it will pose a threat to your relationship and it is also a sign that you both are not compatible together.