9 Myths related to sleep you should not fall for

Credits: Pexels

Sleep has a lot more to what it appears like. It’s a feeling of being half dead. However, we simply see it as a way to recharge ourselves, just the way electric cars do, or maybe not. However, there have been a lot of studies on sleep and how does it work? Why is it important?

But what we see as a natural and simple process has many complexities attached to it, and so are myths. Here is a list of sleep-related myths you should not fall for:

Myth 1:  Snoring is not harmful

myths related to sleep

Fact: Snoring normally is not at all harmful, whereas snoring too loudly can be a cause of concern. This loud snoring can be caused by obstructive sleep apnea, where the person experiences some pauses in breathing that may last for some seconds or even minutes. So, if your snoring is deafening to others, get yourself checked.

Myth 2: Your body gets used to your sleep cycle

Fact: Many people believe that your body gets used to the sleep you usually take, and therefore if you sleep less, it will help you in the long run as you will develop that as a habit. However, the reality is that if you have some constant days with less sleep, you are bound to become sleep-deprived and feel sleepy in the daytime.

Myth 3: Sleep timing doesn’t matter, but the duration does

9 sleep-related myths you should not fall for

Fact: Sleep duration is not the only thing that matters, but the time when you sleep is also what matters. Therefore, it is advisable to sleep as much as you can during the hours of darkness as this helps in aligning the body’s internal clock with the environment resulting in good metabolism, mental health as well as quality sleep.

Myth 4: Your brain shuts down during sleep

Fact: Contrary to the common belief that your brain shuts down while you are asleep, the fact is that your brain remains active and performs some important functions like breathing while you are asleep.

Myth 5: Alcohol improves the quality of sleep

Fact: You may fall asleep earlier than you normally do when you are drunk, but this doesn’t mean that the quality of sleep would be better; rather, the quality of sleep is poorer when you are drunk. You would wake up feeling drowsy and restless when you wake up after that drunk sleep.

Myth 6: Sleeping with lights on is harmless 

myths related to sleep

Fact: Contrary to the belief that there is no problem in sleeping with lights on, your eyes experience a lot of stress, and the quality of sleep also gets affected when you sleep with lights on. So, turn off those bright lights and let your eyes have some rest.

Myth 7: More sleep is always good

Fact: There are many people out there who are concerned about sleeping less but do you know that excessive sleep is also an issue and that too a big one as it causes many health problems. Studies have found a high mortality rate in people who sleep excessively.

Myth 8: Older people need less sleep

Fact: It is a common belief that you might need less sleep as you get older, but this is not the case. You may not experience a good and deep sleep as you grow old, but this does not mean you don’t need enough sleep.

9. Never wake a sleepwalker

9 sleep-related myths you should not fall for
Credits: Pixabay

Fact: You might have heard a lot that waking up a sleepwalker can cause a heart attack or even death. But, this is all just a myth, and there is no truth to it. The only thing you should avoid is startling or aggressively attacking a sleepwalker.
