5 Benefits of drinking chia seed water on an empty stomach

5 benefits of drinking chia seeds water on an empty stomach
Credits: Unsplash

Considered to be one of the healthiest varieties of seeds that bolster weight loss and promote bone health, chia seeds are rich in fiber, protein, good fats, manganese, phosphorus and magnesium. Possessing a such abundance of health, chia seeds are a must to be included in a diet, especially when you want to ameliorate the health of your body and ensure physical longevity. That being said, there are several ways to inculcate chia seeds into your diet. You can eat them with your salad or mix them with nuts and a couple of other varieties of seeds. 

Be that as it may, one of the most practiced and healthy ways of consuming chia seeds is by adding them to water. And you know what’s even healthier? Consuming the chia seeds water on an empty stomach in the morning. What are the benefits, you ask?

5 health benefits of drinking chia seed water on an empty stomach

1. Boosts digestion

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Credits: Unsplash

Rich in fiber, consuming chia seeds water in the morning on an empty stomach will certainly stimulate your digestion process and ameliorate your bowel movement, thereby improving metabolism and ensuring weight loss. Maintaining gut health is extremely important because it ensures mental and psychological stability along with a good mood. 

2. Increases protein proportion

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Reportedly constituting 14% protein, chia seeds contain an impressive amino acid profile. With protein being a macronutrient that is essential for weight loss and muscle build-up, consuming chia seeds in the morning on an empty stomach can produce the feeling of fullness, thereby reducing calorie intake.

3. Controls blood sugar

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Chia seeds are quite popular for improving insulin sensitivity and ensuring blood sugar control. Not only that, but studies have also proven that chia seeds can balance out blood sugar levels when consumed after meals. It is extremely essential for people with diabetes whose health can be ameliorated upon consuming chia seeds water on an empty stomach.

4. Reduces inflammation

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Studies state that high levels of inflammation are often the cause of numerous diseases in the body. As per a 3-month study conducted on 20 diabetic patients, it was revealed that a minimum 30gms consumption of chia seeds can reduce hs-CRP-like inflammatory markers by a significant 40%. 

5. Promotes heart health

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Credits: Unsplash

Constituting a significant amount of omega-3 fatty acids, like alpha-linolenic acid or ALA, chia seeds promote heart health. Studies corroborate that drinking chia seeds water on an empty stomach in the morning can plummet the risk of acquiring any sort of heart disease.

In this way, daily consumption of chia seeds can be ensured since the method is quite easy and effective at the same time. However, before consuming anything in extreme form, it is prudent to always consult the family doctor, especially if you have any allergy towards chia seeds. 
