Set in and around Lewis and Clark County, Montana, Big Sky is an American crime drama thriller series created by David E. Kelley. Based on The Highway series of books written by C. J. Box, the thriller premiered on November 17, 2020, on ABC, followed by its immediate renewal for the second season, which premiered on September 30, 2021. The latest third season premiered on September 21, 2022.
The third season, so far, proves to be quite a tumultuous one, with private detective Cassie Dewell, undersheriff Jenny Hoty and freshly appointed Beau Arlen putting their heads together to solve the mysteries.
If you’ve been following the episodes up until now, then you know that the crux of the drama here is the car wreck outside of Helena, Montana. And as this triumvirate is working to unveil the mystery of this car wreck, they unknowingly welcome perils along their way.
The show’s biggest mysteries revolve around the folks at Sunny Day Excursions and the Bleeding Heart Killer. As the show is nearing the end, these two mysteries are slowly falling into place similar to how the bits and pieces make sense in a jigsaw puzzle. However, the end has not come yet and so not all pieces fit into the board. What happens to Paige, Avery, Tonya and Donna in the end?
That being said, here’s everything you need to know about the Big Sky Season 3 finale.
When is the Big Sky Season 3 finale airing?
Season 13 of ABC’s hit crime drama reportedly consists of 13 episodes which are to be aired in two parts. According to PrecinctTV, the first part of the finale aired on January 11, and the season finale is coming on January 18 at 10/9c on ABC.
If you’re a fan of the show, then you would be aware that the predecessors of the latest season constituted 16 to 18 episodes, while it presently airs only 13 episodes. Consequently, season 3 becomes the show’s shortest season as of now.
The reason why ABC opted for a shorter season this year is quite blurred; however, some critics have favoured this shorter format as it allows the season to develop a riveting and tight storyline without the need to focus on filler stories.
What is the synopsis of the Big Sky Season 3 finale?
Take a look at the official synopsis of the Big Sky Season 3 finale, titled “That Old Feeling” as described by ABC:
“With Denise and Emily’s lives on the line, Jenny and Beau are determined to bring the Bleeding Heart Killer to justice. Sunny makes a fiery decision that will change her family forever.”
The 13th episode, since it’s the season finale, will bring to light the mystery of the Bleeding Heart Killer case and as PrecinctTV contends, “it seems (that) the Barnes family will finally face the music.”
For more updates on Big Sky Season 3, stay tuned to Web News Observer!