BLACKPINK, the renowned K-pop quartet, has achieved a groundbreaking milestone by setting a new record for the highest-grossing concert by a group. Their Born Pink World Tour has garnered immense success, captivating audiences across continents. This article explores the details of BLACKPINK’s record-breaking achievement and highlights its remarkable journey in the music industry.
Record-Breaking Concert Revenue
BLACKPINK’s Born Pink World Tour has shattered records by earning the title of the highest-grossing concert by a group in history. During their sold-out shows at the Foro Sol stadium in Mexico City, the group generated nearly $10 million per night, accumulating a total gross of $19.4 million. This remarkable feat solidifies BLACKPINK’s position as a global music icon with an unwavering fanbase.
Born Pink World Tour Success
The Born Pink World Tour commenced in October 2022 in Seoul and has since enthralled audiences worldwide. BLACKPINK’s electrifying performances and powerful stage presence have attracted sold-out crowds in North America, Europe, and Asia. The tour’s remarkable success extends beyond the record-breaking concert revenue, as it now holds the title of the highest-grossing tour by a female group, surpassing the Spice Girls’ previous record.
Impact on Mexican Concert History
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BLACKPINK’s achievement in Mexico City goes beyond its global recognition. Their two sold-out shows at the Foro Sol stadium broke the previous record for top-grossing concerts in Mexican history, surpassing the numbers set by Bad Bunny. With ticket prices ranging from 850 pesos to 29,500 pesos, BLACKPINK’s appeal transcends borders and resonates deeply with its Mexican fans.
.@BLACKPINK earns the highest-grossing concert by a vocal group in history, with $9.989 million each night at Foro Sol in Mexico City on April 26-27, 2023 as part of the "Born Pink Tour".
— Touring Data (@touringdata) May 30, 2023
Global Dominance and Future Endeavors
BLACKPINK’s rise to prominence extends beyond its record-breaking concert revenue. The group’s historic performance as the first K-pop and all-female group to headline Coachella further solidified their global dominance. Their ambitious touring schedule includes upcoming shows in Japan, Australia, and New Zealand, and the highly anticipated BST Hyde Park concert in London. BLACKPINK’s continuous pursuit of excellence and its ability to captivate audiences worldwide promise an even more extraordinary future.
BLACKPINK’s latest achievement of setting a new record for the highest-grossing concert by a group cements their status as global music icons. Their Born Pink World Tour showcases their unparalleled talent, dedication, and immense popularity. As BLACKPINK continues to break barriers and redefine the music industry’s landscape, its impact will undoubtedly leave a lasting legacy. With an impressive touring schedule and an unwavering fanbase, BLACKPINK’s journey is set to inspire and captivate audiences worldwide for years to come.