BTS leader RM recently made a mysterious move on his Instagram account, raising curiosity among fans. He posted a story tagging a new account, @rpwprpwprpwp, and updated his bio with the user ID, also following the account. The nature and purpose of the new account remain undisclosed, leaving fans speculating about its significance.
Enigmatic Posts and Speculations
In the Instagram story, Kim Namjoon shared a blank screen and a blurry aesthetic image, possibly of himself with a buzzed haircut, looking out of a window. Fans are interpreting this as a hint towards his upcoming military service. RM also posted a blank image on his feed, tagging the new account. The new account, with a black background matching the BTS member’s rkive account, has quickly gained a million followers, though no posts have been made yet.
BTS Members’ Military Enlistment
On November 22, BIGHIT MUSIC officially announced that RM, Jimin, V, and Jungkook had initiated the military enlistment process. The statement assured fans that the members are actively preparing for their mandatory military service duties. Jungkook later confirmed his enlistment in December through a heartfelt letter to fans, expressing a mix of emotions and gratitude for their unwavering support.
The Mystery Unfolds
RM’s cryptic Instagram activity adds a layer of intrigue to the ongoing changes within the BTS universe. Fans eagerly await further updates and explanations regarding the new account and its purpose. Whether it serves as a personal outlet during military service or holds a different significance, RM’s enigmatic move has sparked widespread curiosity and discussions among the BTS fandom.