BTS’ V has undeniably claimed the throne on Instagram, living up to the title bestowed upon him by his devoted fan base. Since his debut on the photo-sharing platform, V has shattered records and made headlines with his massive following, astonishing engagement rates, and lucrative sponsored posts. The King of social media, as his fans affectionately call him, recently made waves with a jaw-dropping report by British fashion magazine The Popmag.
$810,000 for a Single Post
The Popmag’s report left the internet buzzing with excitement. It unveiled that V, the second youngest member of BTS, has earned a staggering $810,000 from a single sponsored Instagram post, solidifying his reign as The King of Instagram. The post in question features V on the magazine cover, donned in stylish attire by Celine from Hedi Slimane. What makes this achievement even more remarkable is the fact that V, like many K-pop artists, remains banned in China. Despite this restriction, he has managed to break records and maintain global influence.
تحديث حساب مجلة POP عبر الانستقرام :
"يرتقي ڤي من بانقتان إلى لقب "The King of Instagram/ملك الإنستقرام " حيث تغلب على جميع الوافدين الذين حصلوا على 810,000 دولار مقابل منشور عبر المنصة "🔥.
@BTS_twt— ARAB ARMY'S PROJECT ⁷ (@Arab_Armys_Vote) October 22, 2023
The Record-Breaking Social Media Monarch
V’s Instagram prowess extends beyond financial success. Based on data from August, he became the first person in the world to accumulate more than 10 million likes on every post he shares. Additionally, he boasts the highest engagement rate, affirming his profound impact on the global youth. With his charisma and captivating posts, V continues to set new standards for social media stardom.
V’s Recent Ventures
Beyond his Instagram reign, V has been actively exploring new horizons. He recently delighted fans with a fresh rendition of his song “Slow Dancing,” which is part of his solo album “Layover.” This release came on the heels of a successful offline fan signing event, where he celebrated the triumph of his solo album. Collaborating with renowned R&B artists FRNK and Cautious Clay, V infused “Slow Dancing” with afro-inspired rhythms and pulsating beats, adding a unique and captivating flavor to the song.