SM Entertainment has recently shared a statement regarding the departure of NCT members Sungchan and Shotaro from the lineup. This news marks the end of the ‘infinite expansion’ project of NCT, which has seen the formation of sub-units and rotations. SM Entertainment has expressed their gratitude to the fans and provided details about the artists’ future plans. Let’s delve into the announcement and the future direction of NCT.
Sungchan and Shotaro’s Departure from NCT
In the statement, SM Entertainment acknowledges the remarkable performances presented by Sungchan and Shotaro as members of NCT. However, the agency reveals that Sungchan and Shotaro will be closing their chapter with NCT and debuting as part of a new boy group that is set to launch in 2023. While the announcement brings excitement for their future, SM Entertainment expresses apologies to the fans who have eagerly awaited their debut as part of a new NCT group.
Transition to a New Boy Group and NCT’s Final Chapter
SM Entertainment explains that the upcoming boy group, which includes Sungchan and Shotaro, will become the final group under NCT’s infinite expansion project. This signals a culmination of the project that began with NCT U and expanded to include NCT 127, NCT Dream, NCT 2018, and NCT 2021. The agency emphasizes that the new group will possess a distinctive worldview that represents a regional identity. Notably, there will be an increase in the number of Japanese members, highlighting the group’s international diversity.
Support for Sungchan, Shotaro, and the New NCT Group
The statement reassures fans that SM Entertainment will provide full support not only to the NCT members but also to Sungchan and Shotaro as they embark on their new chapter. The agency encourages fans to continue showing unwavering love and support for their future endeavors. Additionally, SM Entertainment promises to unveil new members of the upcoming boy group and share their debut journey with fans, heightening the anticipation for the group’s unique identity.
The Detailed Statement
— NCT (@NCTsmtown) May 24, 2023
Here is a look at the detailed statement of NCT’s agency:
“This is SM Entertainment.
First and foremost, we would like express our sincerest gratitude to all the fans who love and support NCT. Below is our announcement that informs you on the future plans of SUNGCHAN and SHOTARO.
As NCT members, SUNGCHAN and SHOTARO have presented wondrous performances.
However, they will be closing their chapter with NCT
Fand debuting in a new boy group that will launch in 2023.
We express our deepest apologies and appreciation for the fans that have been supporting and eagerly waiting for them to debut as part of a new NCT group.
After careful consideration and discussion with SUNGCHAN and SHOTARO in preparation of SM 3.0. we have come to a decision that would best reflect the artists’ thoughts and each of the group’s artistic and musical direction.
We ask for your kind understanding and support for SUNGCHAN and SHOTARO as they begin a new chapter.
NCT’s newest group will become the final group to be a part of NCT’s infinite expansion, so we aim to launch one with a distinctive worldview that is truly representative of a regional identity. In alignment with this, we will be increasing the number of Japanese members,
unveiling new members and sharing their debut journey with the fans.
We will provide full support for not only the NCT members but also for SUNGCHAN and SHOTARO. We ask once again that fans show continuous and unwavering love and support for their future endeavors.
Thank you.”
The announcement of Sungchan and Shotaro’s departure from NCT signifies a significant shift in the group’s lineup and the conclusion of NCT’s infinite expansion project. As they prepare to debut in a new boy group under SM Entertainment, Sungchan and Shotaro enter an exciting chapter in their careers. Fans can expect the upcoming group to showcase a distinctive regional identity and feature increased representation of Japanese members. SM Entertainment urges fans to continue supporting not only the departing members but also the future endeavors of NCT and the new group. Stay tuned for more updates on their debut and journey ahead.