On July 31, BTS’ V, also known as Kim Taehyung, caused a stir among fans as they trended his video clips from his latest live session. V is known for his unique and stylish fashion choices, and this time he surprised fans with something unexpected: nail art. The Sweet Night singer shared his new nail art, which was inspired by none other than his fellow BTS member, J-Hope.
V’s Nail Art
During the live video session, the fashion-forward V revealed his aesthetically pleasing nail art, which caught fans’ attention immediately. He mentioned that it was J-Hope’s influence that inspired him to try nail art. J-Hope, known for his bright personality and exceptional fashion sense, has been sporting various nail art styles over the past few years, and it seems his trendsetting ways have left an adorable impact on V.
V playfully shared, “I tried painting my nails like Hobi hyung, and this would probably be my first and the last time to do so. I actually did it for a shoot. They said it would last for three weeks, so I came here to brag about it.” Fans on Twitter quickly picked up on the trend and began sharing their admiration for V’s ethereal visuals and newfound nail art. Many even joked that they had found new lock screen images for themselves, showing their love and support for the BTS member.
Fan Reactions
The live session was a rare treat for fans, as V’s appearances are not always frequent. However, catching a glimpse of a blonde-haired Taehyung’s live felt like a special and precious moment, akin to seeing a mythical creature like a unicorn. As the live session came to an end, V’s phone battery was about to die, prompting him to bid farewell to fans and promise to come back soon for another live session.
In addition to his nail art surprise, V recently showed his support for fellow BTS member Jungkook during the SBS Inkigayo music show. Jungkook was performing his solo debut song “Seven,” and V decided to surprise him by briefly joining him on stage and showcasing some dance skills for the audience. The unexpected appearance of V delighted fans, and they cheered enthusiastically as they witnessed the positive connection between the two BTS members.
Overall, V’s nail art revelation and his endearing support for Jungkook have once again demonstrated his playful and caring personality. His unique fashion choices continue to inspire fans, and his interactions with other BTS members only serve to strengthen the bond between the group and their devoted ARMY. As BTS continues to make waves in the music industry, fans eagerly anticipate more surprises and heartwarming moments from their beloved V.