Based on Diana Gabaldon’s novel series, Outlander is a historical drama television series created by Ronald D. Moore that follows the life of a nurse in World War II, Claire Beauchamp, who mysteriously travels back in time to Scotland in 1743. She suddenly finds herself ensnared in an epic rebellion. Debuted on Starz on August 9, 2014, Outlander boasts six seasons and was recently renewed for a seventh season as well.
If you’re unversed with the show, don’t worry because we have assembled the list of all six seasons and their outlines to help you get the idea of the series. Not only that, but we have also mentioned which ones are presently streaming on Netflix US and which ones are renewed.
Outlander Season 1 (2014-15)
Outlander season 1 constituted a total of 16 episodes which were divided into two subsequent parts, one and two, each part streaming eight episodes in total. Outlander season 1 part one streamed on Starz on August 9, 2014. Directed by John Dahl (Part one) and Richard Clark (Part two) and written by Ronald D. Moore (Part One) and Matthew B.Roberts (Part two), the official synopsis of Outlander season 1 reads:
“World War II combat nurse Claire Randall is transported back to 1743 Scotland, where she is kidnapped by Highlanders and meets an injured man named Jamie. Claire is taken to meet the Laird and befriends the mysterious Geillis Duncan; the clan decides to keep Claire as a prisoner after they learn of her medical skills.”
Outlander Season 2 (2016)
Premiered on April 9, 2016, the first episode of Outlander season 2 was directed by Metin Huseyin and written by Ronald D. Moore. Surprisingly, the graph viewership remained consistently high throughout the second season. Constituted in 13 episodes, the official synopsis of Outlander season 2 reads:
“Season Two of Outlander begins as Claire and Jamie arrive in France, hell-bent on infiltrating the Jacobite rebellion led by Prince Charles Stuart, and stopping the battle of Culloden. With the help of his cousin Jared, a local wine merchant, Jamie and Claire are thrown into the lavish world of French society, where intrigue and parties are abundant, but political gain proves far less fruitful. Altering the course of history presents challenges that begin to weigh on the very fabric of their relationship. However, armed with the knowledge of what lies ahead, Claire and Jamie must race to prevent a doomed Highland uprising, and the extinction of Scottish life as they know it.”
Outlander season 3 (2017)
Directed by Brendan Maher and written by Ronald D. Moore, Outlander season 3 streamed a total of 13 episodes, with episode one premiering on September 10, 2017. The official synopsis of Outlander season 3 reads:
“Season 3 of “Outlander” picks up with Jamie and Claire, separated by continents and centuries, as they attempt life apart, each haunted by their lost love. Can they find their way back to each other?”
Outlander Season 4 (2018-2019)
Successfully maintaining the increasing viewership graph of Outlander, season 4 came with a bang. Consisting of 13 episodes, the first episode of the show, ‘American the Beautiful’, premiered on November 4, 2018, directed by Julian Holmes and written by Matthew B. Roberts and Toni Graphia.
The official synopsis of Outlander season 4 reads, “Season Four of “Outlander” continues the story of time-travel 1960’s Claire Fraser and her 18th-century husband Jamie Fraser as they try to make a home for themselves in the rough and dangerous ‘New World’ of America.”
Outlander Season 5 (2020)
In an interesting turn of events, the viewership figures of the fifth season faltered but the plot and the entire thematic structure of the show garnered a lot of critical acclaim from the audience and critics alike. The first episode of this drama series premiered on February 16, 2020, while it concluded on May 10, 2020.
The official synopsis of Outlander season 5 reads, “In Season 5, Jamie Fraser must fight to protect those he loves, as well as the home he has established alongside his wife, Claire Fraser, their family, and the settlers of Fraser’s Ridge.”
Outlander Season 6 (2022)
Premiered on Starz on March 6, 2022, Echoes was the first episode of Outlander season 6. Concluding with I Am Not Alone on May 1, 2022, the season constitutes eight episodes starring Caitriona Balfe, Sam Heughan, and Sophie Skelton. The official synopsis of Outlander season 6 reads:
“The sixth season of “Outlander” sees a continuation of Claire and Jamie’s fight to protect those they love, as they navigate the trials and tribulations of life in colonial America.”
How many seasons of Outlander are there on Netflix US?
All Outlander seasons are available for streaming on Netflix US except season 6. Belgium, France, India, Malaysia, Japan, Hong Kong, Poland, South Korea, and Singapore will be receiving weekly episodes of Outlander season 6. However, the list of upcoming films and TV shows which are coming to Netflix US in October 2022 did not constitute Outlander season 6.
However, if we take into consideration the past schedule of Outlander seasons and their arrival on Netflix, season 6 is expected to hit the streaming giant’s library exactly two years after their final episode is wrapped. So, season 6 is expected to hit Netflix US in late April or early May 2024. Be that as it may, Netflix hasn’t given any official confirmation as of yet.
Is Outlander renewed for a seventh season?
Outlander has been officially renewed for a seventh season. However, no release date has been mentioned as of yet. In a conversation with Deadline, Starz mentioned that the series is supposed to wrap soon, so the fans can expect the seventh season to hit their screens in 2023 at the earliest.
The seventh season of Outlander is based upon the book Echo in the Bone. The filming of the same is taking place in Scotland. According to the official Outlander Twitter handle, the series production began on April 7, 2022.
For more release date updates on the seventh season of Outlander, stay tuned to Web News Observer!