7 Ways how not to approach a woman

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Credits: Pexels

Most of the girls out there must have had those ‘Are you kidding me?’ and ‘What the hell was that?’ moments in their lives when some guy tries to approach them in the most awkward way. But do you guys have any idea why it happens, and when it happens, what makes girls cringe over you?

Well, here is some insight into the ways in which you should not approach a woman.

1. You should not approach a woman when you are drunk

How not to approach a woman

You might like some girl a lot and don’t have the guts to walk up to her and confess it while you are sober therefore you choose not to stay sober while confessing and now you are all drunk and that is how you approach her. Well, this was one of the worst ideas of ever approaching a woman, just don’t do it. You may find any other way that gives you the courage to confess but it is definitely not alcohol.

2. You should not approach a woman when she’s shown signs of complete disinterest

We usually tell people to even take a hint and never approach that woman again but here is the scenario where you have been clearly shown or even told that you are not someone she is interested in, so how can you approach her? Well, you just shouldn’t if you are a gentleman.

3. You should not approach a woman when you have been rejected before by her

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Did you confess your love to her before and got rejected back then? Then what makes you think that you won’t be rejected this time too? Why are you willing to play with your self-respect and also embarrass her when she has to reject you again? Well, we would suggest you should not really approach some girl who has rejected you in the past even if she shows signs of interest, take a back seat this time and let her take the initiative.

4. You should not approach a woman showing signs of physical interest 

Do you want to come out as a creep? If not, then just don’t make your intentions of just having a sexual relationship with her in the very first meeting, even if that is all you want. We aren’t telling you to keep her in the dark but just don’t refer to it in the very first go but make your intentions clear after a while. 

5. You should not try to woo a woman with your money

If you are not looking for a gold-digger and want a real woman by your side then you should definitely not brag about your money and think that your money is going to help you in any way in wooing her. Many men commit the mistake of relying on their money when approaching a woman which is not going to help in attracting real women.

6. You should not approach a woman by invading her personal space

Everyone has boundaries and you need to respect them. You should take care not to approach a woman by invading her personal s[ace in any way. You should stay within your boundaries and maintain your distance while approaching any woman.

7. You should not be all about yourself when approaching a woman

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No matter how confident you are you should not talk all about yourself when approaching a woman as you might come out as a completely self-absorbed person if you do so which would surely make her lose her interest in you.
