Is Blue Bloods Season 14 new tonight?

Blue Bloods Season 14: Is it delayed?
Credits: CBS

Will the most-awaited CBS show air its new season tonight? Will we get to sit for our regular Friday night dinners with the Raegans? 

What’s the verdict? 

Let’s jump ship and get straight to the point. We have some unsettling news that does not bode well for the ardent Blue Bloods fans who have unabatedly awaited Season 14’s arrival on the CBS channel this fall. Unfortunately, Blue Bloods will not be airing its new season on CBS tonight, the reason being the current Herculean Hollywood obstacle that has changed the course of action of the giant production houses and streamers: the recently negotiated strikes!

Every year, as the leaves turn into vivid hues of coral and amber, we brew ourselves warm pumpkin spice lattes, tune into CBS, and binge-watch fresh seasons of the grandest scripted shows. This year is different. The fall series calendars are empty or are being frantically altered to match current scenarios, or reruns of the previous seasons are being used to fill up the void in order to give the viewers something to reminisce about.

Why, you ask? Well, right about when a domino effect was initiated and resulted in a series of high-demand shows being revived for newer seasons, the WGA strikes took shape in May 2023. While some already had a headstart at the production process, such as Stranger Things, Silo, and others, some other shows like Blue Bloods never got to witness the writers’ inks etch storylines onto their scripts. Within a month, SAG AFTRA voiced in with WGA, resulting in a four-month-long double strike that has recently reached an agreement. With no scripts ready for Season 14 of Blue Bloods and no actors to film the sequences, CBS, much like its competitors, succumbed to releasing their fall 2023 schedules anyway, predicting that the strikes would dissipate by July. Hence, CBS made a proclamation amidst the strikes that Season 14 would begin production in July if they wanted to achieve a fall 2023 release as per their calendar.

Is Blue Bloods Season 14 canceled?

CBS Will Air Reruns Of Blue Bloods From September 29

However, the channel was soon made to face the grave error of this decision and alter the schedule after two long months. Other competitor channels also followed. They updated that CBS will not air the new Season of Blue Bloods this fall. Instead, a unanimous decision was reached by the network to incorporate reruns of the previous 13 seasons on the fall broadcasting roaster instead.

That’s not all. To crank it up a notch, CBS had asked their ardent viewers to chime in and designate the best episodes of Blue Bloods from the first thirteen Seasons. A voting poll was conducted on Facebook where viewers were enthusiastic participants and picked their favorite episode from a curated list that the network itself provided. This is because it would be nearly impossible to reach a unanimous decision on the top ten episodes from a total of 275 episodes that have aired to date since its inception in 2010. Nevertheless, the polls closed on 8th September( sorry if you hadn’t learned of this earlier), and we have the list of 10 episodes that the network will broadcast starting 29th September, 10/9c timeslot.

  • Season 1, Episode 22: “The Blue Templar”
  • Season 4, Episode 3: “To Protect and to Serve”
  • Season 5, Episode 22: “The Art of War”
  • Season 8, Episode 22: “My Aim is True”
  • Season 9, Episode 22: “Something Blue”
  • Season 10, Episode 14: “The Fog of War”
  • Season 10, Episode 19: “Family Secrets”
  • Season 11, Episode 12: “Happy Endings”
  • Season 11, Episode 16: “Justifies the Means”
  • Season 12, Episode 6: “Be Smart or Be Dead”

Did the episode you voted for materialize here? We are curious, so let us know in the comment section below. Nevertheless, these developments suggest that we may have to wait a while before Season 14 of Blue Bloods airs on the CBS network. So how long is the wait exactly? We have predicted a possible release window, so keep reading.

Blue Bloods season 14: Everything we know so far
Credits: Country Living Magazine

Blue Bloods Season 14 Arrival Date Predictions

While the following prediction that we will make is not set in stone, it will provide the nervous viewers with a degree of solace and a specific time window to look forward to. Mind you. This prediction may alter as new updates surface, so keep an open mind going forward.

Blue Bloods Season 14: Is it the final season or not?

Since the strikes have recently reached a potential end, and assuming that Blue Bloods Season 14 kicks start into production by October, we can expect the new Season to arrive somewhere between mid-2024 and fall 2024. If we view a mid-2024 release, we can affirmatively say that the regular 22-episode season will be cut short to include a 15-episode season instead due to the incessant budgetary cuts and narrower production window. However, if a full-sized Season 14 is what viewers want, the production window will have to expand to incorporate extended shoot time, resulting in a fall 2024 release.

As more concrete news blows our way, we will surely update this space. Till then, you can finally view all the previous 13 seasons of Blue Bloods for free on Pluto TV! So, catch up on your favorite episodes if they did not appear on the top 10 list.

Blue Bloods Reruns: Tom Selleck Chooses His Favourite Episode

Blue Bloods Season 14: Will it be the final season?

Amidst the conundrum of votes for the best 10 episodes of the 13-year run of Blue Bloods, a pivotal character has shared his verdict! It is none other than titular Tom Selleck who plays Frank Raegan in Blue Bloods. Although his vote is an unconventional one and has ironically not been included in the top 10 reruns, he empathizes with the episode and has personal ties to it. Let’s take a look.

It is none other than ” The Job,” which belongs to Season 2 Episode 12 and was aired over a decade ago. Why? The legendary actor has broken it down for us. The episode is Frank-focused, where one of his partners is succumbing to the ailment that he caught during the 9/11 attacks. Frank was on the North Tower when this historic tragedy took place, and when his friend passed on, he wreathed in survivor’s guilt for years to come. This monumental episode resonates deeply with Selleck as he has been taking active roles since the 70s and had witnessed the grave tragedy, the wounds of which are still pink with anger. He spoke to TV Insider, saying,

“It was quite stirring because 9/11 was still fresh in people’s minds,” the actor said. “It was hard for me to be strong as an actor, not to break down because Frank is tougher than that. My friend F. Murray Abraham played a [psychologist, Leon Goodwin] but Frank doesn’t like psychologists. The episode winds up dealing with the people who got sick from being there at the time. We were the first show allowed to show the Trade Center Memorial, right after it was finished.”

Blue Bloods Season 14: Premiere date, synopsis, cast and everything we know so far
Credits: Hulu

What Would You Like To See In Season 14 Of Blue Bloods?

Despite the regular family crime drama and solving innate troublesome cases that plague the city, what would YOU like to see in Season 14 of Blue Bloods? The comment section is open to everyone, and we would love to go through them and resonate.
