A comedy-drama series aired on the AMC channel, Lucky Hank revolves around William Henry “Hank” Devereaux Jr. (Odenkirk), the chairman of the English department at Railton College, which is a poorly funded college in a working-class town in Pennsylvania.
The series features Hank’s mid-life crisis and his lack of satisfaction owing to his unresolved issues with his father and an entitled student body. His frustrations exacerbate when he realizes that his department is more savagely divided than the Balkans. His wife, Lily Devereaux (Enos), the Vice Principal of the local high school, is more emotionally grounded. As Hank tries to pacify his frustrations, Lily reconsiders all the choices she made in her life.
He’s married to Lily Devereaux (Enos), the emotionally grounded and unflappable Vice Principal of the local high school in their town. As Hank’s life unravels, Lily begins to question her path and the choices she’s made.
The TV show stars Bob Odenkirk, Mireille Enos, Cedric Yarbrough, Diedrich Bader, Olivia Scott Welch, Sara Amini, and Suzanne Cryer. With its season one wrapping on May 7th, 2023, the fans of the show are wondering whether the fate of the show is sealed hereafter. However, wonder no more, because we have gathered all the information regarding the renewal status of Lucky Hank season 2.
Is Lucky Hank officially renewed for a second season?
At the time of writing this article, AMC has not renewed Lucky Hank for a second season, however, nor has it been cancelled. But considering the numbers the show is making, the show may not be renewed for a second season (more on the show’s performance is below). Be that as it may, even though the viewership numbers may not be skyrocketing right now, it can have a topsy-turvy effect in the future. For instance, Breaking Bad did not make exponential numbers upon its release, however, today, it is considered to be one of the most critically-acclaimed shows ever made.
Lucky Hank might follow the same path. The show, indeed, is not a catch at first sight, but it might slowly create an effect upon the viewers, owing to its emphasis on the human condition. Per High on Films, “Season 2 of Lucky Hank might become a reality in the upcoming weeks, as AMC is set to announce its new content for the next television programming year.”
What is the overall performance of Lucky Hank?
As per the reports, the first season of Lucky Hank has amassed an average of only 0.04 ratings in the 18-49 demographic and 309,000 viewers. TV Finale reckons, “The first episode was simulcast on AMC+, BBCA, IFC (0.02 demo with 124,000 viewers), and Sundance.”
Although these numbers do not indicate further delayed or streaming viewing, they provide a fair idea of how a show is performing and how successful it is in comparison to other shows on the same channel. Other economic factors also play a role in determining the show’s fate, but the fact remains: the higher-rated series are renewed quicker and more often than the lower-rated series.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Is Lucky Hank in the Breaking Bad universe?
We can see where the confusion arises! But just because both the shows feature Bob Odenkirk does not mean that they are part of the same universe. So, to answer your question, Lucky Hank is not another spin-off of the Breaking Bad universe.
2. Is Hank an anti-hero?
Yes, Hank is primarily the anti-hero of the series.
3. Why is Hank so likeable?
Similar to Michael Scott, Hank tries to be funny with hackneyed Dad jokes which aren’t really funny, but somehow, he makes them even more funny. His kindness and loyalty to his family and work is very admirable and idealistic.