SM Entertainment, the agency associated with NCT 127, recently confirmed the comeback date for the K-pop group. The idols dropped an eye-catching poster schedule earlier on December 26, 2022. Not only that but they also gave a sneak peek of the new track list with three amazing songs – ‘Skyscraper’, ‘DJ’, and ‘Ay-Yo’. For the unversed, NCT 127 will be releasing the repackaged version of ‘Ay-Yo’ with the twelve other songs of the original album. It is supposed to be their fourth Korean-language studio album titled ‘2 Baddies’ and will be released on January 30, 2023.
Earlier news
NCT 127’s Indonesian concert promoter has issued a public apology last year because of the disorder that caused the K-pop group’s ‘Neo City – The Link’ in Jakarta Show to get canceled midway. On November 4, 2022, the crowd-pushing incident during the group’s first show in Jakarta reportedly caused around 30 audience members to faint. The concert came to an abrupt end because of the uncontrollable situation.
On November 5, 2022, Dyandra Global Edutainment, the agency associated with promoting NCT 127’s Indonesian schedule of the world tour, issued a statement regarding the incident.
— NCT 127 (@NCTsmtown_127) October 27, 2022
Official statement
Here is what the official statement read,
“We would like to provide an update on the abrupt ending of NCT 127’s ‘Neo City : Jakarta – The Link’ show on November 4, as well as regarding the second show scheduled to take place on November 5.
The agency has issuing announcements beforehand regarding the maintenance of order prior to yesterday’s show and has put in its best efforts to maintain order as much as possible. However, despite these efforts, toward the end of the show, disorderly conduct by some of the audience members in the standing section forced the show to come to an end abruptly out of safety concerns.
Thankfully, no injuries were reported; however, concluding that it would be difficult to continue the show while the health and safety of the audience was not guaranteed, the show was halted.
We would like to apologize to those who were not able to watch NCT 127’s show until the end. Additionally, we apologize to NCT 127 as well as SM Entertainment for our failure to ensure that the concert was carried out smoothly.
The November 5 show will continue with additional personnel regulating order in the standing section to secure the audience’s safety, as well as additional medical experts.
Furthermore, the agency will cooperate with the Jakarta Police to assure that no safety concerns arise.
Finally, we please ask that all audiences maintain safety and order when visiting concert venues.
Thank you.”