Are you ready to experience the deadly world of Kaiju once again?
Pacific Rim: The Black is an animated series based on the Pacific Rim franchise. The story follows the lives of teenage siblings, Taylor and Hayley Travis, who are left behind by their parents, who leave to combat a race of monsters called Kaiju but never return. These monsters arose from the pacific rim, and humans tried to fight back by using gigantic armed robots and jaegers but failed. Now, there are only a few survivors left.
Five years later, Hayley comes across a training Jaeger called Atlas Destroyer and she and Taylor embark on a journey to find their parents with the help of it. The series revolves around these siblings and how they deal with Kaiju and the other survivors who are trying to get their hands on Atlas Destroyer for their survival.
The first season of the series was released on March 4, 2021, and the audience loved the series for its amazing storyline, impactful action, breathtaking suspense, and emotions. Since then, the audience was anticipating Pacific Rim: The Black Season 2.
The second season of the series is due to arrive very soon, and we can’t wait to see what new challenges our characters have to face this time to survive in the dangerous world.
Pacific Rim: The Black Season 2 Release Date
Pacific Rim: The Black Season 2 is all set to release on Tuesday, April 19, 2022.
Check out the official announcement below:
Kaiju. Jaegers. Epic battles. PACIFIC RIM: THE BLACK returns for its action-packed conclusion Tuesday, April 19, only on @Netflix. #PacificRimTheBlack
— Pacific Rim (@PacificRim) March 31, 2022
Pacific Rim: The Black Season 2 Trailer
Netflix unveiled the trailer for Pacific Rim: The Black Season 2 on March 31, 2022.
Check out the trailer below:
The trailer reveals that in this season Hayley and Tayloe will go deeper into the Kaiju lands to find their family. They are joined by assassin Mei and human-kaiju hybrid “b0y,” who will accompany them on this dangerous journey, and we’ll get to see how the new members reveal the extent of their powers.
We can also find that the final threat in front of the siblings will be “the sisters”, a group of creepy fanatics who believe in the arrival of the Kaiju messiah, and it’s not difficult to guess who the messiah is. The final episodes will show some real action and how the siblings try to fight the monsters and reveal the truth about their parents.
What will Pacific Rim: The Black Season 2 be about?
Check out the official synopsis here:
“In the epic series conclusion of Pacific Rim: The Black (S2), the journey is far from over. Our brave siblings Taylor and Hayley still hope to reach the safety of Sydney aboard Atlas Destroyer, the scaled-down training Jaeger left behind when Australia was evacuated. With teenage assassin Mei and the mysterious human/kaiju hybrid bOy joining Taylor and Hayley, this makeshift family must cross a dangerous territory controlled by the bloodthirsty cult Sisters of the Kaiju. These zealots, led by the enigmatic High Priestess, are convinced that bOy is their long-awaited Messiah and will stop at nothing to indoctrinate him into their dark circle – something Hayley would sacrifice everything to prevent”.
Who’s in the cast of Pacific Rim: The Black Season 2?
We’re expecting to see Calum Worthy as Taylor Travis, Gideon Adlon as Hayley Travis, and Erica Lindbeck as Loa return for season 2 of the series. Ben Diskin as Kaiju Boy, Victoria Grace as Mei, and Andy McPhee as Shane will return as supporting cast.
More people are expected to join the conflict as the Season 1 finale hinted that there would be more fights and war in the future. Keeping this in mind, we expect some newcomers to join the series for the upcoming season.
How many episodes will be there in Pacific Rim: The Black Season 2?
Season 1 ran for a total of 7 episodes, and presumably, Season 2 will run for the same number of episodes.
Where can I watch Pacific Rim: The Black Season 1?
Pacific Rim: The Black is available to watch on Netflix, and the second season will also release on the same.