Pine Gap is an Australian television series broadcasted on ABC in 2018. The series is a political thriller and revolves around the Australian and American joint defense intelligence facility at Pine Gap, which is located southwest of Alice Springs town in Australia.
The first season of this series earned a 7.2 IMDb, but the audience didn’t receive it well. There’re many negative reviews of the series, which raises the question, will the series be renewed for a second season? Will we ever get to see Pine Gap Season 2? The fans of Pine Gap are eagerly waiting for any information related to the series and whether the creators have decided to renew it or not.
So, here’s everything you need to know about Pine Gap Season 2.
Will there be Season 2 of Pine Gap?
There’s no official announcement related to the renewal or cancellation of the series yet. There was some harsh criticism related to the series, and the first season failed in Australia and fell out of favor with viewers on other platforms such as Netflix (Hilda). Because of the negative feedback, the question is, will there be another season? If we look into reviews, we can presume that the show will be discontinued after the first season; however, the cast seems to be wanting the renewal to happen badly, and so do the show’s creators.
Check out the posts below:
We are waiting to hear! Check in with @GregHaddrick1 @netflix @ABCTV #bringit
— jacqueline mckenzie (@JMcKenzie) December 8, 2018
Thanks so much for the shoutout !! We are crossing our fingers and toes for season 2, let me tell you! What a great team to be a part of! #blessed #Pinegap @King_MatKing @StevieToussaint @ParkerSawyers @lisaescottprod
— jacqueline mckenzie (@JMcKenzie) January 1, 2019
The show is listed as “Ended” on Wikipedia, which is definitely not a good sign.
Pine Gap Season 2 Release Date
Since Pine Gap Season 2 is not renewed as of now, there’s no release date too.
Pine Gap Season 2 Trailer
It goes without saying that there isn’t a trailer for Pine Gap Season 2, but here’s the official trailer for season 1 if you haven’t watched the series yet.
Check out the trailer below:
What will Pine Gap Season 2 be about?
The show is full of mystery and thrillers. The first season was set around the political scene between two different governments, Australia and America, and also with a joint defense intellect facility at Pine Gap.
If we speak about the plotline of Season 2, there is no official statement for the same, but we’re expecting some serious action and thrill just like the first season. It might also have a love triangle with an American spy and an Australian analyst, and both of them are likely to keep secrets from one another.
Pine Gap Season 2 Cast
There has been no confirmation of the show as of yet. However, if Pine Gap Season 2 is on the way, we may anticipate the first season’s cast to return in the following season.
The main characters include Jacqueline Mckenzie as Kath Sinclair, the deputy head of the Australian facility, Parker Sawyers plays Gus Thomson, the American mission director, Tess Haubrich as Jasmina Delic, the head of the communications intelligence team, Steve Toussaint as Ethan James, the head of the American facilities, and Stephen Curry as Jacob Kitto, the Australian mission director.
Some other cast members include Sachin Jacob as Simon Penny, Kelton Mop as Paul Dupain, Edwina Wren as Eloise Chambers, Alice Keohavong as Deborah Vora, Jason Chong as Zhou Lin, and Simon Keselle as Belle James, and Lewis Fitz- Gerald as the fox.
Where to watch Pine Gap?
Pine Gap Season 1 is available to stream on Netflix.