It was only sometime back that Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Nick Jonas announced the birth of their daughter, leaving everyone in a state of shock and surprise. However, the couple asked for privacy immediately after making the huge announcement making us wonder about the details of the newborn. Not only that, but they have also not shared even a single picture of the little one on any of their social media handles. However, a recent revelation on the couple’s part has left their fans elated.
Baby’s name revealed
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Yes, that’s right. Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra Jonas have finally revealed the name of their baby girl. So, the little one is named Malti Marie Chopra Jonas, as confirmed by E! News. For the unversed, the Quantico actress first announced the birth of her daughter via surrogacy on January 21, 2022, through an Instagram post. Her post read, “We are overjoyed to confirm that we have welcomed a baby via surrogate. We respectfully ask for privacy during this special time as we focus on our family. Thank you so much.”
The birth certificate
The popular portal TMZ reportedly obtained the birth certificate of Nick and Priyanka’s baby and got to know that she was named Malti. The same document also reveals the details of the little one’s birth. So, the couple’s daughter was born on January 15, 2022, at 8 pm in San Diego, California. However, the surprising fact here is that the couple still hasn’t made any official announcement about the baby’s name. However, it is for sure that the baby’s name holds special importance for both Priyanka and Nick Jonas.
Priyanka’s ecstasy
Priyanka Chopra Jonas seems to be overjoyed with the birth of her little one as she has been talking about motherhood a lot recently. For instance, she talked about her new role as a parent during a conversation with her close friend Lilly Singh. During the same, the actress talked about raising the child without putting any restrictions on her dreams and aspirations.
Furthermore, the actress also gave a glimpse of her life as a mother in one of her Instagram posts shared on February 23, 2022. One could see a little nursery among the various selfies and food pictures that belong to none other than Malti Marie Chopra Jonas herself!
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Family members’ reaction
Meanwhile, Nick Jonas’ brother Kevin has recently revealed that he won’t be giving any unsolicited parent advice to the new parents. Talking about the same, he said in an interview that it is something that everyone does in their own way. He also added that it is the couple’s life and that they will sort it their way.