Directed by Henry Selick and co-written by Jordan Peele, Wendell & Wild is an American stop-motion horror comedy film that explores the theme of grief like no other animation has ever done. Based on Selick’s and Clay McLeod Chapman’s unpublished titular book, Wendell & Wild features Keegan-Michael Key and Peele as titular characters along with Angela Bassett, Lyric Ross, James Hong, and Ving Rhames.
On October 28, it premiered on the streaming giant Netflix, after premiering in select cinemas on October 21, 2022. It has received a lot of critical acclaim ever since its release. The stop-motion animation serves as a tribute to Mark Musumeci, an electricity consultant who assisted Selick in all the previous stop-motion features since The Nightmare Before Christmas, owing to his unfortunate death during production.
Will there be a sequel to Wendell & Wild?
Wendell & Wild has not been renewed for a sequel at the time of writing. The renewal of Wendell & Wild depends on a variety of factors, including viewership figures, production cost, and more. Considering this stop-animation has been released in select cinemas and Netflix quite recently, the renewal of a sequel will take some time. As a result, Wendell & Wild does not have a release date as of now.
Who are the expected cast members in Wendell and Wild 2?
The following list includes all the expected cast members that could be a part of Wendell & Wild 2:
- Jordan Peele
- Keegan-Michael Key
- Lyric Ross
- Angela Bassett
- Tamara Smart
- Ramona Young
- James Hong
What could we expect to happen in Wendell & Wild 2?
In Wendell & Wild 2, we can expect Kat to move on from her parents’ demise and make a truce with reality and her connection with them. Kat’s connection with the underworld would lead her to connect with Wendell, and Wild could be more fun in a spooky way. According to Ready Steady Cut, “The sequel will show that she is calling upon the spirit world as something natural that happens, and she can talk to her parents whenever she wants to. She could be brought into the Underworld as a “hellmaiden” and work with Wendell and Wild.”
Regardless of the storyline being a bit messier than expected and the pacing of it being rushed, which reduced the character introduction, a sequel to Wendell & Wild would be more exciting and thrilling for all the animation fans!