Former JNU student leader Umar Khalid has been granted bail in a case related to the Delhi riots. Delhi’s Karkardooma Court has granted bail to Umar Khalid on a personal bond of 20 thousand in the FIR 101 registered in the Khajuri Special Violence Case. While granting bail, the court said that Umar Khalid cannot be held in captivity just because he was seen in the crowd. ”At present, Umar Khalid will remain in jail due to UAPA.
The court of Additional Sessions Judge Vinod Yadav of Delhi’s Karkardooma Court has granted bail to Umar Khalid in the Khajuri Special Violence Case of Delhi Riots. The court granted bail on a personal bond of 20 thousand rupees. The court granted bail to Umar with certain conditions.
The court has told Umar that he will appear in the court on every date. Also will not tamper with the evidence nor try to influence the witnesses. Apart from this, it will cooperate in maintaining peace and harmony in the society.
While granting bail to Umar, the court said that Umar Khalid cannot be held in captivity on the basis of the fact that he was seen in a riotous crowd and cannot be arrested on the ground only. In the FIR registered in this case, 15 people, including the main accused Tahir Hussain, were made accused.
But later in December last year, Delhi Police filed a 100-page chargesheet in the case in which Umar Khalid was also charged. In the chargesheet, the police claimed that Umar had incited the riots and hatched a conspiracy with Tahir Hussain and Khalid Saifi.
At present, Umar has got bail in this case, but Umar will still be in jail due to UAPA. Umar Khalid was arrested by the Delhi Police in September last year after a 10-hour-long interrogation. The Delhi Police had filed a charge sheet against Umar Khalid in December. In the charge sheet, Umar Khalid has been charged with inciting riots, plotting riots, giving anti-national speech and other criminal sections.
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